Thursday, February 17, 2011


What is it to be the norm? I was thinking today in Operations Management, what if I where in an alternate universe, parallel and what not. I got sent there and then I am not normal because in the universe everybody has a lisp or Sharkbears patrol the city or maybe something insignificant as making a lower grade on my biology exam. Even though the change is nothing, it is still not normal for me. And then I Struggle to find the universe that I am from, but with all these changes I do not know which universe is my normal. Then I just get caught in this cycle of not able to get home, to something familiar. But then I realized what if I am not even the normal (original) universe, what if I am in an alternate universe looking for the original where I think I come from but it is not home. Then I thought to myself, normal is only something that was radical but has been adopted by many until it became, well, normal. Then I thought about this picture I took, making me want to sing out,"one of these things is not like the other". I wonder if you can find it. I think I should be in philosophy class with all this brain matter but I do not think they will have use for my useless irrelevant conundrums. But I do know what they need, SOCK'EM BOPPERS! I use to have some. But I do not know where they went. Also is it "use to" or "used to"? I just confused myself when writing the sentence where it is mentioned. Also, I have nothing to do, as in homework, so I decided to lay in bed and pretend to sleep. This is not happening as I am writing a blog. I have a racquetball match tomorrow and I am excited for it and I will play my best. I want my camera already. Oh and since my last post my situation has not gotten any better but it also have not gotten worse. So yeah.

I would like to let you know that I separated this because people do not like reading long blocks of text without spacing. Isn't that weird. NO it is not. I think if I ever fail to read a book and I have to write a paper about it, I would turn in a length requirement fulfilling paper with the fist and only thing in my paper is 'TL;DR'. And maybe I will attach a meme or something to it. Hopefully if the teacher is awesome, he or she would just laugh and give me a 70 for it.

I also have a crush on my Teacher for Business Communication. She is married but I mean who does not want a little three-way to spice up their marriage? Psh, prudes, that is who? Honestly, I put that question mark there to see if you would read it as a question; where your voice ends an octave or two higher. I do not know if it worked but I can sure try. Anyways, later.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I made some oatmeal the other day and by other day I mean like 2 weeks ago. This is a really late post because I have just been doing a lot of stuff and just have not found the time to blog now. It is quite sad now that I think about it but whatever. What is done is done.

So back to the story, I made oatmeal and it was Lavish dark chocolate oatmeal with honey and chocolate milk. Not only was this concoction the best but I was also afraid that I might get diarrhea. That did not happen so I was proud of my body to take so much abuse. WOO HOO. Samuel Gonzales 1 Proponents to diarrhea 0.

The second picture is of my desk where I am currently hoarding snacks. I feel like I am about to go into hibernation but this is not possible because no bear hibernates in the spring time or close to spring time. That is a winter thing and I do not believe nature would allow me to change its rules. Last time I tried. Bad stuff happened. And I am being general because I do not remember what happened but I know it was bad and that I will never do it again. I still have a shit load of pictures to put up but I want to draw on some of them and others I would like to mess around with them and censor them because I feel like the FCC right now.

I am all done with work in the BUSI class I am taking and there is nothing else I am doing other than this blog. That is how I found the time. So I am having mixed feelings all around and I do not know what to do with them except for bottle them up real quick because I know they will be resolved around next month. I can wait till then but I do not know if others can and that is part of the dilemma. Sometimes I feel like I should stop trying to look for what I want, what I need, in this life and just wait for it to come to me. There is only so much that the human heart can take before it becomes something like a black hole. I am going to try my hardest to keep it away from such a thing but sometimes I need help.

On a lighter note, there was a suicide attempt near campus yesterday night and it ended without a body bag but I was kind of hoping for it to because I do not believe in domestic violence and any prick who think he can hit a women deserves to die.

I found 50 cents in my pocket and I yelled success. It was so marry. I thought of something else that was kind of funny but after writing that morbid comedy up there, I forgot it. Maybe it will come back to me as I rant about how I forgot it. ....... NOPE. Oh well.

I have a Racquetball match this Friday at 1:30 in the RCC. So if you would like to watch and cheer me on, that would be greatly appreciated. I heard a saying the other day that went a little like this, "Throw the baby out with the bathwater". I was shocked that I thought it was so amusing. I still do. The other one was: Apathy, laid back to the max. Sounds exhausting and not very apathetic but whatever gets your motor turnin and your boat rockin, is fine with me. I will think of more when I draw on some picture and make some other stuff happen. LATER.