Monday, December 27, 2010

Here in bed finished with the day ready to retire to sleep time.

The picture of the bags are what I carried, by myself, in ONE trip, from my truck to my apartment. I thought it was funny because when I opened the door, without putting down a single bag, there was a card shoved betwixt the door and its frame for a moving company. I couldn't help but think what an untapped resource I was for this company.

The other picture is of some tea I had at Teavana. It was the most delicious tea I have ever had. I nearly jizzed myself but stopped because I feared nobody would offer a face to clean it up with, ha, but mostly because I wanted to mate with this tea. I wanted to do things with this tea that could only be showed on the Discovery Channel that would be described as educational but it would show everything. This was a crazy day.

First my friend, Edgar, and I went to the mall for some after Christmas deals. I bought some awesome towels that don't leave a shit load of fucking lint everywhere like my blue and orange ones do, for 20 buck. It was only three towels but they are soft and made by Martha Stewart. She is a homemaker, so I trust her with home stuff and caressing my body, just not with my money. Then an amazing idea erupted. Old Navy was in this mall. I have not been in old navy in, no joke, 5 years. So a trip was over due. I bought some black jeans, not grey but black jeans, for 15 bucks. Amazing deal. I also got 2 v-necks and a polo. Prior to Christmas I went to the Domain and Banana Republic had an awesome sale and I got some pants from them. Now flashforward and we are leaving the mall. Yearning. For some food because we have not eaten. Food consumed. Best Buy got visited too. Then while on. The way back to Edgar's house something happened.

We can to a stop behind a white truck at a stop light. We were talking about a comment that his mother made and how funny it was. He looks in his mirror, "She's gonna hit me, she's gonna hit me". I was confused. I had no idea what he was talking about. Then I saw him lean forward a little bit as if to brace himself. Then it clicked, somebody was going to hit him from the back, as that thought ended a lurch took me by surprise. We had been hit by some lady. Hard. We pulled into the parking lot next to us and got out to check the damage. I was beginning to have a slight headache but nothing big. We walked to the back of the car and as if we had a force field, nothing happened to his car. Her's. Was damaged in the front but nothing major. It was funny because I thought we were going to have to do the whole collision dance and get info and blah blah blah. But nope. I have only been in 1 other crash before that and that was way scarier because a lady ran a red light and slammed into our truck on the passenger side, where I was sitting.

So I am home like I said and I am in a sleeping bag that I got from Jordan's closet. I forgot how much I love this thing. Like a new purchase. So warm I am.

I went to Target and got some cube organizers. And put some clothes in it from my closet and now my closet looks a lot neater. I bout 2 sets of 6 cubes. Idk if I want the other one because one set is amazingly spacious and sturdy and was more than I expected. I will still keep it because I can return it within 30 days. Or maybe it is 90, I will check that. I also ate pizza and watched I Survived for 4 hours. It was awesome. I downloaded more music and seriously need a new iPod and I want to buy a camera also. Shit so much to do. I want to go back to work. Something to do during the day. Anyways, I have to sleep so that I can wake up and go to target again so that I can get Resident Evil: Afterlife. I have a gift card to them that is why, plus they are the cheapest I have seen for that movie. More to come. I hope you liked my story telling abilities for this one. I took some tips from I Survived. Later.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I was pondering this. A question so deep the greatest philosophers of all time would scratch their heads and declare 'I-de-kay'. How is this balloon still afloat? This balloon bought. Probably a month ago. It is going strong and I put everything I got into it. I hope it stays right side up forever. Nobody likes to see things fail.

I did not finish my marathon. I was too tired and I had two more episodes left but I need to save them. I stop going to work for the year today. I am excited and disappointed. I am going to make sure I use the RCC like no other today.

I scared myself yesterday. Blackberry is an amazing innovator and so is Apple. What makes BB a cool product is that they have cases for the phone that can automatically turn them off and on. When put in the case the phone sleeps and when taken out, the phone wakes up. They do this with the use of magnets and wiring. Apple has some amazing products but this is particularly towards their Macbook Pros. The look is clean and stylish. The screen closes and sleeps the computer, and when opened, the computer awakes. They do this with magnets also. So while texting Courtney and watching I Survived,I set my phone down on my computer to wait for a response. The computer shuts off. I panic the instant it happens. The light indicating it is on is stuck in an illumination state. Pushing on the keyboard and trackpad do nothing. I start to have anxiety. My computer is broken. I somehow messed it up by neglecting it somehow. Then I move my phone out of the way so that I can take a closer look at my computer. It miraculously turns back on. Puzzled, I start to click gears and cogs together. Start to turn a cause-and-effect statement out of my head. Start to realize. My phone has a magnet. My computer has a magnet. They must have sensed each other and done what they were designed to do. My phone turned my computer off. I test my hypothesis and surely, I am correct. What I learned was where not to place my phone on my computer.

I have a lot of stuff to do today and I need to get a head start by sleeping. I doubt that will come as swiftly as I would like it seeing as I ate an ass load of cookies nearly 20 minutes ago. I can still try though. I will talk about veins later. Later.

Monday, December 20, 2010


I would just like to say that Brittany Reilly from the Kashi Go Lean Crunch is hot. Now on to bigger things.

I am currently watching I Survived, and man this show is crazy. I cannot believe the kinds of situations people are put in. It is heart wrenching and intense.

I recently discovered that the RCC has a locker room for regular people. People not on athletic teams. So I worked out and then showered at the RCC and then went to work so I spent 6 hours at the RCC and it was ok.

While reading The Slide I recorded this woman on the treadmill. She was working it on the treadmill. She walked as though she was being recorded. You can check out the video on my Youtube channel.

I took a shower today and I combined my body wash and a little bit of Jordan's and it was amazing. My skin was so soft, like butter on a baby's ass. I have to tell Jordan how good it was later on today.

I forgot to get the paper I need for Andy but that is something I will for sure get today.

I miss everybody. I need communication. I am going to go to sleep. Later.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


I changed my room and it feels good. It also feels like I have more room. Did I mention it feels good? Anyways, I also watched a little bit of House Of Wax and I was pondering if wax is a good insulator. I thought of this because my friend, Ashley, is insulating her living room. I think somebody should try and tell me.

I have decided to read a book over the break. I am going to finish the one I started in summer and then I am going to start a new one. I think it will be Lost World but it also could be The Art Of War. Whatever I decide I will read. So wake up, eat, work out, shower, work (read during), eat, waste time, sleep. Repeat til Christmas and continue after til school starts. I miss people. Friends, teachers and other adults and the lovely game of Ultimate. Everybody needs to hurry up and get back so that I can play Ultimate.

I have gained a couple but I am going to lose a couple. I have been hovering around 77.11 kilograms and I am going to reduce that or at least increase it with muscle.

I know this is random but I have discovered one of my testicles to be of less volume than the other. Not by much but I noticed it and I cannot believe that I have never noticed before.

I have had this wicked headache today and it will not retreat.

Everybody should check out an artist named Diplo. I known about him since last year but I went back to check up on his music progress and he has some good stuff. I downloaded 2 of his albums and I also downloaded 3 others. - am just banking on the music. And I found a classical album on iTunes that is 315 songs for 10 bucks. That is a damn good deal. I will acquire this with my currency soon.

I cleaned up a little bit around the apartment and I also cleaned up a little bit in everybody's rooms. Yeah that bored that I cleaned somebody else's room. Time to go to bed. Another morning and its wood is awaiting me. Maybe that's why I am not a stomach sleeper. Later.

Hanging Them Out To Dry

So ever since I went home for the first time, it has gotten colder. I somehow knew that was going to happen but I still went anyway. I think everytime I go home it symbolizes something bad or change or bad change. I honestly do not know but I usually get yelled at when I get back home. Grandmothers can be such douchè bags.

I am also listening to a lot of techno all of the sudden. I like it and I downloaded so songs that are awesome. I am glad I have them. But I also have an iPod that does not know how to carry sufficient storage so I have to get a new one. I know I should have gotten a classic to begin with but I didn't. Oh well. It is in the past and now I have to deal with it now. I will think of a solution. I always do.

I know I have changed but family has a hard time with changes. It is sad that they can't see that I am not the same but yet they still treat me the same. I am fighting a war with sticks and stones whilst my opponent has war heads and WMDs. I think a good time away from them will be good. I cannot wait till I go to California. I am going to buy my tickets next month and it shall be glorious. I need to start saving money now. 20 to 40 bucks each paycheck shall do. Alright, I am typing this in bed trying to stay warm. I have yet to turn on the heater and I know I made Jacob and Jordan, especially, proud. I know how to be a conservative and earth-friendly human being. Why can't others see that we need to help undo what we have done? That is a whole different rant that can be saved for a different day. I am tired. Goodnight


Friday, December 17, 2010

Awesome For Me

These are notes of the post-it flavor that my nigga Jordan left me. They are awesome. He hid them in random places and so when I least expect it, I got a 2 by 2 note of thoughts in my face. I appreciate it Jordan and I shall tell you that when I go get you from the airport.

I went to go see Tron Legacy and I liked how in the beginning of the movie it even tells you that the majority of the movie was not in 3D. And believe me, don't want your money by seeing it in 3D. See it in 2D and you will have more clarity and save some money. I have to admit it, the advertisements before the feature presentation had more 3D moments than the whole movie.

I am lonely over here in the apartment but I am holding up better than I expected. I do feel sorry for the people who live alone because that must be hard. I am also really sleepy.

I talked to Courtney more than throughout the semester. It is a date we have that makes me want to go visit California faster.

I did not get the RA position but I am still going on being my normal self. I don't know why they did not pick me but I know it is their loss. Time to move on.

I have decided that I would like to take a road trip when I am in California. Travel south and visit family and do more stuff in the south. I hope this plan comes through and I hope Jordan can come also. And if this plan does find its way on the itinerary then I will have to buy my roundtrip tickets farther apart. I think we should go visit Jacob also. I mean might as well. I am just so excited for this Spring semester. I shall finally graduate to 20 years of existing. What a accomplishment. Well time to hit the hay. Later.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I played Kinect too long and I froze like this. I think I might need a chiropractor. All in good fun though. I do like some of the games it has. An actual post will come up tonight or early morning tomorrow. I promise. Instead of picture and bullshit sayings.


This is from Jacob's birthday dinner. He had to look like a bird, hence the funnel cups for the beak and to-go boxes for wings. (That's to flap, just in case you did not know)


I have some photographs that I need to get off my phone. So I will just leave them here. Here is an image of an imprint a bird made after hitting the window. I thought they only did that I cartoons. It seems that I have been mistaken.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Blog From Ze Phone.

I felt like it should happen. I have tje technology and now I am going to use it. So my speakers finally came. And by came I mean I had to go get them because St. Edward's does not allow deliveries to the apartment after 5 and the drivers are not allowed to knock on the doors for some reason. Yeah, I don't know either. I call dumb rule but alright.

I forgot about the Lily Allen song "Not Fair". It is so funny and amazing. I have decided to become as selfish as that song. Who says you cannot change your personalty? People who haven't tried, that's who.
Also I farted. Just a minute ago. And it makes it better because I am in bed and my fart flapped my sack. Weird feeling but I thought it was funny.

I am going to interview to become an RA on Tuesday at 6:15. I am excited but I don't want to move out. Firstly, I do not want to move all my stuff. And secondly, I am going to be leaving my family. Evan, Jacob and Jordan are going to miss me, I cannot let their hearts break. Ha. No just joshing. I will miss them dearly. Even with changing personalities and what not that is something I cannot change. I always become attached to people. I am just an independent people person. Sooner or later I know we will have to part but now is not the time.

Waiting for my bike to come. I bought one this week. A very good bike, as reviews have said. I am excited to get physical. This shall continue on the morrow (later on today). Later.