Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hanging Them Out To Dry

So ever since I went home for the first time, it has gotten colder. I somehow knew that was going to happen but I still went anyway. I think everytime I go home it symbolizes something bad or change or bad change. I honestly do not know but I usually get yelled at when I get back home. Grandmothers can be such douchè bags.

I am also listening to a lot of techno all of the sudden. I like it and I downloaded so songs that are awesome. I am glad I have them. But I also have an iPod that does not know how to carry sufficient storage so I have to get a new one. I know I should have gotten a classic to begin with but I didn't. Oh well. It is in the past and now I have to deal with it now. I will think of a solution. I always do.

I know I have changed but family has a hard time with changes. It is sad that they can't see that I am not the same but yet they still treat me the same. I am fighting a war with sticks and stones whilst my opponent has war heads and WMDs. I think a good time away from them will be good. I cannot wait till I go to California. I am going to buy my tickets next month and it shall be glorious. I need to start saving money now. 20 to 40 bucks each paycheck shall do. Alright, I am typing this in bed trying to stay warm. I have yet to turn on the heater and I know I made Jacob and Jordan, especially, proud. I know how to be a conservative and earth-friendly human being. Why can't others see that we need to help undo what we have done? That is a whole different rant that can be saved for a different day. I am tired. Goodnight


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