Sunday, May 30, 2010


So got some free lunch/dinner from Jorge's complements of Edgar's mom. And I have no idea what they did with their recipe because it tasted a whole lot fuckin' better than it usually does. After that Edgar and I went to the Domain. I saw some shit that I want to get for my Mac and then we went to the other side of the Domain which I did not know existed and I got some shorts from Finish Line, and here is the weird awesome part, this lady who is working the cash register gave me an offer that I could not refuse. (FLASHBACK) I took the shorts off of the hanger so that I could better judge the size of the shorts. I placed the hanger on the rack. I judged the shorts and deemed them fit to purchase. I stood there for a couple of seconds contemplating whether to just leave the hanger or just take it and put the shorts back on so that I can buy the shorts with the hanger. I said "FUCK IT" in my mind and I took the hanger with me but did not put the shorts on them. Then this is how it went from then on:

S: I would like to buy these now
C: Alright, I can get you right here
S: Ok. Oh where do I put-
(I saw off to the corner of the register a cart where there was empty hangers)
S: Oh, nevermind, I will just put it here
C: OK. Thanks. The total is 10.81
S: Alright, here you go.
C: (Whisper voice) Are you looking for a job?
S: Yes actually. Are you hiring?
C: Yeah.
S: Do you have an application or can I-
C: You can just go online and do the application at Finish line dot com. I am looking at the applications on Monday so when you get home you can apply

And Bam! That is how it happened. I basically got offered a job for hanging a hanger. Oh and by the way I am scheduled to PA in July. I got that job also. Fucking why can't I get a job the conventional way? I guess that is how it is going to have to happen my whole life. Literally that is how it has happened all the other times.

I am excited. Wish me luck and I am going to sign off for the night morning thing. Why am I staying up all types of late now. That is going to have to cease.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Hive

20 miles under the surface of the Earth is a deposit of gold called a reef, in South Africa. It totally looks like The Hive from Resident Evil which by the way is getting another installment in the film franchise. RESIDENT EVIL:AFTERLIFE. Oh I have to call about the PA position today so that is one thing I have planned. I have to also apply to Gamestop and I have to bug some niggas about movie theater position and Best Buy. Oh and I am going to keep it short this time because I is tired.

Friday, May 28, 2010

I Still Know What I Did Last Summer

I applied to Gamestop and to two casting calls and a production assistant position. And guess the fuck what... They Emailed me back basically saying that I got it. Fuck Yes. Thing are looking up for my bitch ass. And I did a good deed yesterday. I gave up my bed to someone I hardly know because they are going through some shit with their family. I feel good for it being only 5 o'clock in the morning. I want some Sun, Sea, and Solitude. I am too happy right now and I am doing this shit from my phone and trying to watch a movie so goodnight glorious world.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


A swarm of roaches attacked my friends, Iris, Edgar, Kevin and I while playing Monopoly. I don't know if their intentions were truly hostile but seeing as they sent in their Air Force and Infantry towards us, there was indeed a can of whoop-ass opened once they hit this front. With so many casualties lost on their side. You would think they would give up. But, they didn't. I can feel them conspiring against us at every dark corridor and monochrome room. They believe we will just act nonchalantly about this incident, but in the back of everyone's minds this will radiate. We crushed them, I crushed them in the battle and We will, I will not let them will the war.
I am being discouraged by every place I have applied to. Discouraged is a strong word so I shall actually replace it with neglected. No one has called me back about anything. I have called the job locations asking for times when they are interviewing and a shitty response has been thrusted into my ear a million times: "I don't know when we are conducting interviews, MY boss has not given me a date." I call bullshit right there. I feel like they are not that interested into me. But if they only knew. If they only knew how much this job means to me. If they only knew my work habits and personality. If they only knew everything that can not be summarized onto a 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper. This is angering me more and more everyday. But I will not let this get to me. I will not let this put me in a bad mood. I will not let this keep me from what I need to do in life. I will not let this eat at my soul. I have handled rejection so much over the years. More than what any normal person should experience and this is just another test. But I will not let this become another test. I want it to be an experience. I want it to be an event. I want it to be a memory in my life to which I can say I succeeded. This neglecting has gone on for too long and I will not tolerate it anymore. All I need is a chance. But I can not even get that. I will not live and let chance find me because then I am not really living. Someone said that opportunities only come once. Well FUCK THAT. I will make my own opportunities. I will not be neglected anymore. I will crush these discouragements. I will crush these intolerances. I will crush these roaches and I WILL GET HIRED.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Hermssonalt Fam and the Discriminating Aliens

Yeah I know it is blurry and I don't give a fuck. I got a picture and you didn't so hop off my nuts about it. Ha and I forgot to mention a little video I had no clue about and that made my day. It is the Lady Gaga Telephone music video. DIVINE SHIT is that video funny as hell. I could not stop laughing 15 minutes after the video ended. And me just talking about it makes me laugh. HERE.

I also forgot to mention the weird ass dream I had that took place across the street from my house in the DPS parking lot. It was weird because some random ass people were in it. So it was night time and not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse, until a UFO appeared out of the sky and stopped in the middle of the air. As it hover there 2 more appeared each on either side of the original. Witnessing this me and my companions whipped out our phones or cameras if we had them and started taking pictures. The UFOs started behaving strangely and wiggled and writhed as if something was internally making them uncomfortable. I guess they were camera shy and they started spewing green dense gas all around. It fell on us but did no damage. Then when looking down at my hand I noticed I started to grow mushrooms and grass and tiny trees from my hand and arm. They somehow were fertilizing us. Quickly realizing this all of us ran inside but somehow ended up going into my grandmother's house who lives on the other side of town. Strange right. Then old classmates started showing up with the same symptoms and they showed us what they caught. But for some reason the people who did not take video or pictures of the event did not obtain the shrubbery arms. Seeing this made me angry and I quickly phoned my local congressman and complained that the Aliens were discriminating against photographers. He sadly could not do anything. And then BAM. I woke up. DA FUCK????? Yeah I have no idea.

I realized that if you wake me up before my body is ready to get up and you DEMAND for me to do someting, not ask but tell, I transform into a complete asshole. OH shit I almost forgot to do a shout out to Maddie the former RA and graduate, and Jardin the sexy friend who completed her first show Monday and gains the support of this blogger right here.

Isabella Baptism

So over here at the baptism something happened. Other than the usual you know washing of the head and what entering into a Catholic community. A scene that touched me, and not in the tra-la-la way. A man was translating for his wife because she did not understand English well. It kind of made me choked up. I wish I could find somebody that would love me like dat. But anyway, I believe it was a successful day. Good riddens.(I actually do not know how to spell that).

Out From The Depths

A hooker was running her business out of the sewers when I drove by today. Like fresh coming out of the damn pipes with her client. So I thought to myself: FUCK, even she has a job, AND she has gotten laid. Fuck my life. On the other had I got Mrs. Johnson's and she didn't so I do have some kind of ammunition. I have wondered if anybody ever gets what the fuck I am saying on these because I write them based on how I speak and the thinking process that is happening in the moment. I don't know and maybe I never will but fuck what I said it don't mean shit now. Fuck the presents might as well throw them out (Dude random ass song). I hope I get this damn scholarship and some more money from Financial Aid because I literally did the exact same as last semester so it is not like I fucked up and it is not like I progressed. Well in certain areas I did but that is neither yonder nor hither. And while on this subject, everyone needs to play and buy this game. Got to go to a baptism later on today. One of my best friend's newborn sister's to be exact. I'll take a picture.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


So while watching ER: Untold Stories there was some stories that were sad but two were so weird. One Asian had bulimia and grew immune to here finger as something to induce vomiting. So then she used a fucking FORK to gag and then she somehow got the fork stuck in her god damn throat. WHAT DA FUCK HOMEGURL?!? Why would you do such a thing. It was funny and I could think of so many sexual jokes to go with her but I will not. Another one was with a waitress who somehow managed to get a fuckin' Junebug in her ear and it started crawling more and more into her ear. What is up ER hospitals you got some fucked up shit happening to you. I also uploaded another Gorillaz music video so if you would like to check that out you are more than welcome. By the way, this goes out to all the niggas in the world: KEEP YOUR HEART 3 STACKS. ha.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Let The Wild Rompus Begin

I watched Where The Wild Things Are again tonight or this morning or whatever, and I forgot how funny and emo that damn movie is. Also maybe false hope here but I called Best Buy and they are going to give me an interview next week. Tip: Chase your dreams. Someone is bound to see your ambition. I have also decided to try my luck at Orchestra music. I have always liked a good horror/action/thriller soundtrack and that is what I intend to make with all this time I have. My grandparents' 50th Anniversary is coming up in June and family is going to be in town, I am excited and sad. I wonder sometimes if Cupid is going to get it right for me sometime. Maybe it is me or maybe it was never meant to be, but you can always make something out of nothing. Oh and by the way, I had a cut and I drank the blood. I forgot how it tasted, the bitterness, the sweet red color. (And that sounded extra fuckin' creepy) All in all it was a good day. It is sad that I look forward to school because the world scares me and because I just love to learn. I am a nerd. I am don't want to be a Jack of all trades, I want to master them all. And this going to bed at wee hours in the morning has to stop too. I wonder if killing zombies in real life is as fun as it is in games. I am pretty sure I can survive Resident Evil and Dead Rising, Left 4 Dead and Dead Space maybe not so much. I mean I can run, and I can throw some bones but shit they are way scary. I need to get in a fight. Bear Grylls taught me some moves that I want to put to use and I just want to fuck a nigga up. Nigga don't mess with me. Shout out to Evan and Jacob for finding jobs. I am happy for you. Apartment warming party anyone?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Lights Fantastic

Went to a hella expensive light fixture store and found this. Guess the cost... almost 4K. I was like WHAT DA FUCK?!? HA but in the mean time I read Evan's blog about friends, and it made me realize how I am with friends. If they are here to stay and they put in effort into the relationship like I do then that bridge will stay, otherwise that baby is going to burn, and not in the Legion kind of way. Maybe some friends just need to be spring cleaned just like rooms. It happens. Swimming was awesome by the way with Iris, Edgar, and Kevin. You know one of the most hated things that I hate are...Fucking Headaches. Sometimes I feel like I should be trying to explode someone's head with a headache this bad. Secret planning was happening at the house, and I have no idea why, or what the shit it was about be alright. Maybe I should become a spy or a spy ninja or a spy ninja movie star. Hell yeah. I pick the latter.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Can't You Taste It Too?

I hope you can because it tastes tarty and somewhat sweet. I totally forgot that one time this homeless man wanted to show me his dick for a cigarette but I don't smoke and I refused to see his dick and then I gave him matches and now we are friends. Ha psh fuck that. I hate homeless people sometimes but sometimes they are uplifting individuals. People are dumb and awesome.


Yeah this is amazing and I want to get it. And don't worry I shall get it when I move into the apartment.


Went there and found a sun block that is SPF 110. WHAT THE FUCK?!? It is so much sunscreen that you actually get whiter when you use it. I have no idea but I would buy.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Invention of Lying

The Invention of Lying is a great movie. Them niggas go raw with it. Anyways. I fixed my youtube channel to look like what I wanted and fucking Best Buy still did not call me back so I am going to go up there tomorrow and tell them to give me a damn job because that is the ONLY place I feel at home, I a job environment of course. I mean cause that would be awkward and fucking awesome if it was my home. Racquet Ball Court 2, I do not know if you know but that picture is of sperm, MY sperm to be exact. It was great how things play out sometimes. Oh and I put up the official video of Gorillaz: Rhinestone Eyes for your viewing pleasure.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Did not even post for last night and so this one is doing double duty. Little Big Planet is a fun ass game for those who have not played it. It has consumed my life. The job search still continues and it was my uncle's birthday. I really need to win the lottery and I found an old video that cracks me up till this day.

I think of at least 7 impossible things before bed, it keeps me sane. I want to go visit my Miranda, and Olivia. It is killing me not seeing them more. But I guess it is for the better? HELL THE FUCK NO, IT IS NOT. Anyways, I have to do some stuff and what not.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lights Up

What the fuck? I saw a Light Up Mariachi with a Light Up Horse. Both were real, like real guy who has a SSN (hopefully) and a horse that eats oats. It was so random. Also got scared of the thunder because it was like somebody decided to shake the house violently. I was asleep asshole thunder, thanks for that. Going back to night time, I got my Sanuks wet because Iris' apartment complex somehow always gets flooded when it rains. The one thing that kept this night awesome was watching Bitch Slap. Holy shit. Everybody needs to see that movie. It was the funniest, sexiest, fucked up-iest thing that I saw. You got bitches brawlin' and lesbian soft core porn and shit-your-pants-from-laughter-sound effects. There is this one scene where two girls are fighting, ripping at each other and throwing some major bones when out of the blue one kicks the other one in the cooter and the sound effect for that was a cat meowing. HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE THAT?!? Just watch the trailer:

and this is what else I found:

but I know I had something else to say, oh, so I pre ordered my EVO today and I do not know when it comes in but I hope soon. BTW, I have only 390.4 MB left on my iPod, I need a new one. I want a 64 GB Touch so lets see if I can get it because I don't want to have to start excommunicating songs from my portable device. Check out my Youtube also, Dick Splash.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Where Are You?

Today I learned a lot about myself and how things in the world work together. Some people seem to have lost their past while others are paving their future. A weird thing happened when a trip to Walmart occurred. A man walked in with the look of melancholy. I instantly felt some sort of connection. I never saw that man again. The winds of change are blowing and I can feel them drifting me away to a place I am afraid yet happy to go. I don't know what this means since it is delirious talk from a sleepy young man but something is up. Evan is in need of assistance, I believe with some sort of joke. With the year that he had, he deserves good things. Jacob is MIA with Liz, doing things that I would gladly want to video tape and Jordan, well he is on a cruise. Happy Birthday to his mom by the way. Meet up with my friends and had a good time with Taboo. Tip: Always be with someone that is good with words. Night job might be in the works for me. Hopefully it goes through. Virgin Mary knows I need it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Peace Tea

Finally I put this shit up


Went to go finish an application for a job in which I had to travel to the store and get put in the back room, I felt like Rosa Parks and shit. But I finished with flying colors I believe so and now I am just waiting for a call back, cross your fucking fingers for my ass. I also uploaded more videos to Youtube. One is Miss Quince Massacre:

and the other is a video about random shit that was caught on film:

On the other had I had some awesome tea by the name of Peace Tea. I will put a picture up after this post. I like how I stay up later in my house than at school even when there was no school. Fuck is wrong with me? Ha, anyways, I found out that I am attracted to this person named Elyse. She is somebody I feel unsure and certain about. Such an awkward thing to say, yes, but sometimes you can not control shit. Just roll with it. Oh and Daybreakers is such an awesome movie, I suggest you redbox dat bitch. I have a weird feeling that something bad is going to happen, so be careful because I really do care a lot about my friends. Sleep is in need for me. Goodnight or morning AND see you soon?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I watched a video today like 5 times. I was just so amazed by it.

I also told some deep shit to Jordan. It is crazy how similar people can be even though there is no relation or even known mutual existence of eachother. Life works in crazy ways.
I am still looking for a god damn job. So far Best Buy and Walgreens. I want to work with people and not serving food or anything of that sort. Maybe Central Market won't mind little old me. So much stuff has happened this year that it is hard to retain all of it and remember who and what matters in life. On a happy ending note (pun), I had Taco Cabana early this morning and saw some people I did not care to greet. But I mean maybe I should change or maybe I shouldn't. But I did eat a bomb ass kid's meal at TC.

The Night

Sometimes it is cold out and sometimes it is not. And sometimes you have a jacket and sometimes you don't. I could make that a big ol' metaphor for friends but I didn't because it was of no interest to me anymore. But I did finish talking to my best bud Jordan and he is doing well so don't worry, because I know I have a big fan base that worries about what I do. I am here writing and only thinking about this Spanish song that has been stuck in my head: Cafe Tacuba - Volver A Comenzar. Look it up. It is a nice feel-good song. The rest of the night will hold more treasures because who knows what this fucked up mind with think of.
Oh and I want to auction off my virginity because there is a tv show that is going to be made about virgins and what not. Sounds like I need to be watching it right now.
In other news, Miss Quince Massacre 2 is in the beginning stages of writing. Hopefully this will all get done.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


So I actually like doing this. And that is what I think I am going to be doing for the rest of the night.
I found out that my friend Elyse will probably not be joining me on camping. Apparently her parents will think we are banging. I wish. But I also have the idea to make a sequel to Miss Quince Massacre, titled Miss Quince Massacre 2: SWEET 16.
Courtney and I are still talking along with 5 other people. 3 on chat, 1 skype and one text message. Why couldn't I be this popular in High School? Oh well change is good for the soul.

Just Started

Hey Everyone,

This is Sam, of course, I finally have the guts to do something with my life and now I am going to live it the way I want to. I suggest you do the same if you would like. I mean I am not pushing you or anything but shit, you don't want to be a pushover. Hope this inspires you to do what you want. Follow those dreams damn it.