Monday, December 27, 2010

Here in bed finished with the day ready to retire to sleep time.

The picture of the bags are what I carried, by myself, in ONE trip, from my truck to my apartment. I thought it was funny because when I opened the door, without putting down a single bag, there was a card shoved betwixt the door and its frame for a moving company. I couldn't help but think what an untapped resource I was for this company.

The other picture is of some tea I had at Teavana. It was the most delicious tea I have ever had. I nearly jizzed myself but stopped because I feared nobody would offer a face to clean it up with, ha, but mostly because I wanted to mate with this tea. I wanted to do things with this tea that could only be showed on the Discovery Channel that would be described as educational but it would show everything. This was a crazy day.

First my friend, Edgar, and I went to the mall for some after Christmas deals. I bought some awesome towels that don't leave a shit load of fucking lint everywhere like my blue and orange ones do, for 20 buck. It was only three towels but they are soft and made by Martha Stewart. She is a homemaker, so I trust her with home stuff and caressing my body, just not with my money. Then an amazing idea erupted. Old Navy was in this mall. I have not been in old navy in, no joke, 5 years. So a trip was over due. I bought some black jeans, not grey but black jeans, for 15 bucks. Amazing deal. I also got 2 v-necks and a polo. Prior to Christmas I went to the Domain and Banana Republic had an awesome sale and I got some pants from them. Now flashforward and we are leaving the mall. Yearning. For some food because we have not eaten. Food consumed. Best Buy got visited too. Then while on. The way back to Edgar's house something happened.

We can to a stop behind a white truck at a stop light. We were talking about a comment that his mother made and how funny it was. He looks in his mirror, "She's gonna hit me, she's gonna hit me". I was confused. I had no idea what he was talking about. Then I saw him lean forward a little bit as if to brace himself. Then it clicked, somebody was going to hit him from the back, as that thought ended a lurch took me by surprise. We had been hit by some lady. Hard. We pulled into the parking lot next to us and got out to check the damage. I was beginning to have a slight headache but nothing big. We walked to the back of the car and as if we had a force field, nothing happened to his car. Her's. Was damaged in the front but nothing major. It was funny because I thought we were going to have to do the whole collision dance and get info and blah blah blah. But nope. I have only been in 1 other crash before that and that was way scarier because a lady ran a red light and slammed into our truck on the passenger side, where I was sitting.

So I am home like I said and I am in a sleeping bag that I got from Jordan's closet. I forgot how much I love this thing. Like a new purchase. So warm I am.

I went to Target and got some cube organizers. And put some clothes in it from my closet and now my closet looks a lot neater. I bout 2 sets of 6 cubes. Idk if I want the other one because one set is amazingly spacious and sturdy and was more than I expected. I will still keep it because I can return it within 30 days. Or maybe it is 90, I will check that. I also ate pizza and watched I Survived for 4 hours. It was awesome. I downloaded more music and seriously need a new iPod and I want to buy a camera also. Shit so much to do. I want to go back to work. Something to do during the day. Anyways, I have to sleep so that I can wake up and go to target again so that I can get Resident Evil: Afterlife. I have a gift card to them that is why, plus they are the cheapest I have seen for that movie. More to come. I hope you liked my story telling abilities for this one. I took some tips from I Survived. Later.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I was pondering this. A question so deep the greatest philosophers of all time would scratch their heads and declare 'I-de-kay'. How is this balloon still afloat? This balloon bought. Probably a month ago. It is going strong and I put everything I got into it. I hope it stays right side up forever. Nobody likes to see things fail.

I did not finish my marathon. I was too tired and I had two more episodes left but I need to save them. I stop going to work for the year today. I am excited and disappointed. I am going to make sure I use the RCC like no other today.

I scared myself yesterday. Blackberry is an amazing innovator and so is Apple. What makes BB a cool product is that they have cases for the phone that can automatically turn them off and on. When put in the case the phone sleeps and when taken out, the phone wakes up. They do this with the use of magnets and wiring. Apple has some amazing products but this is particularly towards their Macbook Pros. The look is clean and stylish. The screen closes and sleeps the computer, and when opened, the computer awakes. They do this with magnets also. So while texting Courtney and watching I Survived,I set my phone down on my computer to wait for a response. The computer shuts off. I panic the instant it happens. The light indicating it is on is stuck in an illumination state. Pushing on the keyboard and trackpad do nothing. I start to have anxiety. My computer is broken. I somehow messed it up by neglecting it somehow. Then I move my phone out of the way so that I can take a closer look at my computer. It miraculously turns back on. Puzzled, I start to click gears and cogs together. Start to turn a cause-and-effect statement out of my head. Start to realize. My phone has a magnet. My computer has a magnet. They must have sensed each other and done what they were designed to do. My phone turned my computer off. I test my hypothesis and surely, I am correct. What I learned was where not to place my phone on my computer.

I have a lot of stuff to do today and I need to get a head start by sleeping. I doubt that will come as swiftly as I would like it seeing as I ate an ass load of cookies nearly 20 minutes ago. I can still try though. I will talk about veins later. Later.

Monday, December 20, 2010


I would just like to say that Brittany Reilly from the Kashi Go Lean Crunch is hot. Now on to bigger things.

I am currently watching I Survived, and man this show is crazy. I cannot believe the kinds of situations people are put in. It is heart wrenching and intense.

I recently discovered that the RCC has a locker room for regular people. People not on athletic teams. So I worked out and then showered at the RCC and then went to work so I spent 6 hours at the RCC and it was ok.

While reading The Slide I recorded this woman on the treadmill. She was working it on the treadmill. She walked as though she was being recorded. You can check out the video on my Youtube channel.

I took a shower today and I combined my body wash and a little bit of Jordan's and it was amazing. My skin was so soft, like butter on a baby's ass. I have to tell Jordan how good it was later on today.

I forgot to get the paper I need for Andy but that is something I will for sure get today.

I miss everybody. I need communication. I am going to go to sleep. Later.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


I changed my room and it feels good. It also feels like I have more room. Did I mention it feels good? Anyways, I also watched a little bit of House Of Wax and I was pondering if wax is a good insulator. I thought of this because my friend, Ashley, is insulating her living room. I think somebody should try and tell me.

I have decided to read a book over the break. I am going to finish the one I started in summer and then I am going to start a new one. I think it will be Lost World but it also could be The Art Of War. Whatever I decide I will read. So wake up, eat, work out, shower, work (read during), eat, waste time, sleep. Repeat til Christmas and continue after til school starts. I miss people. Friends, teachers and other adults and the lovely game of Ultimate. Everybody needs to hurry up and get back so that I can play Ultimate.

I have gained a couple but I am going to lose a couple. I have been hovering around 77.11 kilograms and I am going to reduce that or at least increase it with muscle.

I know this is random but I have discovered one of my testicles to be of less volume than the other. Not by much but I noticed it and I cannot believe that I have never noticed before.

I have had this wicked headache today and it will not retreat.

Everybody should check out an artist named Diplo. I known about him since last year but I went back to check up on his music progress and he has some good stuff. I downloaded 2 of his albums and I also downloaded 3 others. - am just banking on the music. And I found a classical album on iTunes that is 315 songs for 10 bucks. That is a damn good deal. I will acquire this with my currency soon.

I cleaned up a little bit around the apartment and I also cleaned up a little bit in everybody's rooms. Yeah that bored that I cleaned somebody else's room. Time to go to bed. Another morning and its wood is awaiting me. Maybe that's why I am not a stomach sleeper. Later.

Hanging Them Out To Dry

So ever since I went home for the first time, it has gotten colder. I somehow knew that was going to happen but I still went anyway. I think everytime I go home it symbolizes something bad or change or bad change. I honestly do not know but I usually get yelled at when I get back home. Grandmothers can be such douchè bags.

I am also listening to a lot of techno all of the sudden. I like it and I downloaded so songs that are awesome. I am glad I have them. But I also have an iPod that does not know how to carry sufficient storage so I have to get a new one. I know I should have gotten a classic to begin with but I didn't. Oh well. It is in the past and now I have to deal with it now. I will think of a solution. I always do.

I know I have changed but family has a hard time with changes. It is sad that they can't see that I am not the same but yet they still treat me the same. I am fighting a war with sticks and stones whilst my opponent has war heads and WMDs. I think a good time away from them will be good. I cannot wait till I go to California. I am going to buy my tickets next month and it shall be glorious. I need to start saving money now. 20 to 40 bucks each paycheck shall do. Alright, I am typing this in bed trying to stay warm. I have yet to turn on the heater and I know I made Jacob and Jordan, especially, proud. I know how to be a conservative and earth-friendly human being. Why can't others see that we need to help undo what we have done? That is a whole different rant that can be saved for a different day. I am tired. Goodnight


Friday, December 17, 2010

Awesome For Me

These are notes of the post-it flavor that my nigga Jordan left me. They are awesome. He hid them in random places and so when I least expect it, I got a 2 by 2 note of thoughts in my face. I appreciate it Jordan and I shall tell you that when I go get you from the airport.

I went to go see Tron Legacy and I liked how in the beginning of the movie it even tells you that the majority of the movie was not in 3D. And believe me, don't want your money by seeing it in 3D. See it in 2D and you will have more clarity and save some money. I have to admit it, the advertisements before the feature presentation had more 3D moments than the whole movie.

I am lonely over here in the apartment but I am holding up better than I expected. I do feel sorry for the people who live alone because that must be hard. I am also really sleepy.

I talked to Courtney more than throughout the semester. It is a date we have that makes me want to go visit California faster.

I did not get the RA position but I am still going on being my normal self. I don't know why they did not pick me but I know it is their loss. Time to move on.

I have decided that I would like to take a road trip when I am in California. Travel south and visit family and do more stuff in the south. I hope this plan comes through and I hope Jordan can come also. And if this plan does find its way on the itinerary then I will have to buy my roundtrip tickets farther apart. I think we should go visit Jacob also. I mean might as well. I am just so excited for this Spring semester. I shall finally graduate to 20 years of existing. What a accomplishment. Well time to hit the hay. Later.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I played Kinect too long and I froze like this. I think I might need a chiropractor. All in good fun though. I do like some of the games it has. An actual post will come up tonight or early morning tomorrow. I promise. Instead of picture and bullshit sayings.


This is from Jacob's birthday dinner. He had to look like a bird, hence the funnel cups for the beak and to-go boxes for wings. (That's to flap, just in case you did not know)


I have some photographs that I need to get off my phone. So I will just leave them here. Here is an image of an imprint a bird made after hitting the window. I thought they only did that I cartoons. It seems that I have been mistaken.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Blog From Ze Phone.

I felt like it should happen. I have tje technology and now I am going to use it. So my speakers finally came. And by came I mean I had to go get them because St. Edward's does not allow deliveries to the apartment after 5 and the drivers are not allowed to knock on the doors for some reason. Yeah, I don't know either. I call dumb rule but alright.

I forgot about the Lily Allen song "Not Fair". It is so funny and amazing. I have decided to become as selfish as that song. Who says you cannot change your personalty? People who haven't tried, that's who.
Also I farted. Just a minute ago. And it makes it better because I am in bed and my fart flapped my sack. Weird feeling but I thought it was funny.

I am going to interview to become an RA on Tuesday at 6:15. I am excited but I don't want to move out. Firstly, I do not want to move all my stuff. And secondly, I am going to be leaving my family. Evan, Jacob and Jordan are going to miss me, I cannot let their hearts break. Ha. No just joshing. I will miss them dearly. Even with changing personalities and what not that is something I cannot change. I always become attached to people. I am just an independent people person. Sooner or later I know we will have to part but now is not the time.

Waiting for my bike to come. I bought one this week. A very good bike, as reviews have said. I am excited to get physical. This shall continue on the morrow (later on today). Later.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Discovery Channel

So I am watching Discovery Channel, and it is about someone who is trying to kill his wife from behind bars. Holy shit, this is so crazy. I want to hurry and end this shift I have so that I may get to showering. Actually, I just want to masturbate. Anyways, I noticed that my favorite belt is too big for me now. I must make another hole in the belt on the inside. I think I am doing good. I am now at 175, which is amazing. I came from 210lbs this semester. I plan on continuing this good habit I developed. I need to start working on cardio and muscles. Basically everything. But mainly cardio because I would like to do good in Ultimate.

I feel like the apartment is crumbling. There is less communication than there was. I feel like it is just 4 people living together and not 4 friends. Maybe I am just looking at it in a different light. It wouldn't be the first. I will somehow try to stop this. I shall make food for everybody tomorrow. I feel like that should help. I am disappointed in the fact that my advice or comments fall on deaf ears. Less appreciated. But I am strong and I know that that is not the case. And even if that is, I know how to deal with it. I came from a family that hardly paid attention to me and still doesn't, unless there is a problem. I am more independent that I could even imagine and sometimes I surprise myself.

I made a 62 on my Economics test.....again. I hate that class so bad. Everything just flies over my head. It is nothing but theories and no hardcore facts and figures. All just depends. It is so hard to grasp my head around that but I will still try as hard as I can on this last test. I need, no fuck that, I NEEEEEEEED to pass this class. It will hold me back if I do not. I know I can do it. I know I can. This semester is so crappy. Hopefully next semester will be better. I am taking Operations Management, and I heard that it is another math course basically and I am so excited. I think I should be a math teacher. I have always loved math and will always love math. I mean shit, it makes life so much easier.

So I want to ask somebody out but I am scared of their response. I will ask anyway, because if I am not living with my heart on my sleeves there is no reason to even be human and no reason to exist. I sometimes wish people could be more accepting of the feelings they have and to be more mature. I know it is a lot to ask for but I mean hey, It will help everybody if one were better in tuned with emotions and verbal communication. Still looking for that someone I guess, maybe I should stop looking because everything seems to find you when you are not looking for it.

The Hockey game I went to was good. A fucking FCA member was cockblocking the whole time. Damnit. I know you can want any poonani till you are married but that doesn't mean I want to wait with you. SHIT. I mean can't you let a nigga get his dick wet. Hahahahhaahhahahahaha. OH man I is trill. No but true story. I think I should be the sequel to Hyperbole and a Half. I say that sounds good.

I shall talk to you later when I have more time. I am at work also and it is fucking cold outside. I saw my breath, so that means that it is WINTER officially. HELL YES. Alright later niggas.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

One of the New Posts

So I am sitting here at Ragsdale doing nothing but writing and waiting for the damn Hockey excursion to hurry and take place. I am excited to be going, even though none of my friends are going. I feel like that is an accomplishment, I am being more independent and I did not even think about not going for that reason. I thought about it because I have a test and 2 presentations due tomorrow, but I decided that I should have some me time. Although there has been a lot of that lately. I completed my 20 in 4 challenge and it was intense. Also I have been more selfish, which is not a good thing but I am forced to do so because nobody else knows the amount of energy I put into something for everybody to only get a 'thanks'. I do appreciate when you appreciate but I would also like some action. I know actions speak louder than words and it goes a long way with me. I would also like it for next semester to hurry da fuck up and get here because I do not want to be in these damn classes anymore it is just wasting my time when all I do is learn nothing in the class that I am supposed to be learning something in. Anyways, I have taken up another interest in life and she has a name that begins with the letter R. I want to pursue and make something happen with it because I know there is a connection. Failblog.org is the best site. I visit it all the time. There is some days where I do not go to it because I like finding new things posted. I need to go and actually check it out right now because I am craving for it. See you later fools.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Some time has passed since I have written but I assure you I will write as soon as I have more time to write. 18 hours is such a workload and I have not been up to my game this semester so next semester, with another 18 hour workload, I will manage better. I shall let you know what is happening soon. I shall keep a running list of what is going on so I can have an extra long blog that shall need to be split up like the Harry Potter movie. Later people.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Irony and Fate Go Hand-IN-Hand

The title has nothing to do with what I am about to say but I did not know what else to put. Anyways, the other day I was sitting at my computer, after taking a shower, quickly checking my Facebook when Evan walked in. I would first like to say that when I am about to go to sleep I put chonies on and have an undershirt and v neck, that is all. I was lazy to get fully dressed, so I put on the undershirt and half way put on the boxers and just sat at the computer. So boxers down, Evan opens my door and walks in to me sitting dick out typing on the computer with Facebook up. To him it looked like I was going to jack-off, but really it was not that. I was just lazy. The funny thing about it was that I talked to him and he talked back to me as if nothing was out of the ordinary. But kudos to him for taking the movie I rented for the both of us back. I also was taking a shower another day, I take more than one shower a week just so that you know, I was drying off when Jacob opened the door and just stayed there with the door open. I asked what he wanted and nothing. It was weird. This is not to make him sound like a creep, but it was just weird. But whatever, it was something to tell the blog. Anyways, moral of the story is don't count your chickens before they hatch. We also lost our first volleyball match. It was hard on the team. But I mean when I speak about something, I am not just saying it because I like to practice the use of the English language. I expect it to be heard, I expect it to be listened to, and I expect it to be recognized. It only hurts everybody else when one does not listen. I exchanged some messages and I believe we will come back even stronger than ever. We have to have bad to know what is good. I am confused about what I want in life at the moment. I would like a relationship and I have heard that almost always the girl is waiting for the guy to make the first move. I do not like that idea, but I guess I will have to make the exception and go for it. The one problem is that there are a couple of ladies that have caught my eye. Do I make the first move on all of them and hope for at least one? But what happens when more than one says yes? I do not want to become that douchebag that plays girls. That is not the thing I am going for nor will it ever be the thing I am going for. I am just so confused. And what started this thinking process was the season finale of The Hard Times of RJ Berger. I literally did not know what to think. It was a shock to me. So many emotions rushed at me all at once that I sat there with my hands over my mouth. Then I started to cycle through the emotions one by one. It was, I must say, a hot mess. I do like knowing that I can feel though. I am not afraid to show what I feel, and I just need to work on expressing it to others in a way that has no bias. I have been listening to The Backin Up Song like it was my job. It is just a funny song that makes me want to sing it. I feel like I am not doing my best with these posts. I am not adding as much content like I want to. I shall fix that. I am also biting off more than I can chew but I am going to man up and mow this shit down. How are you going to become better at something when you do not challenge yourself? I would like to tell everybody that the Tosh Tour was awesome and funny as fuck. You need to see it. I still have not figured out what I am going to get Jacob for his birthday. I have got Jordan's and that is done (Tosh Tickets) but Jacob is a tough cookie to know. Time to sit down in the thinking chair and think. Think. Thiiiiiiiiiiiink. Because when I use my mind and take a step at a time. I can do anything.......that I want to do. I need to practice spiking. Happy note is that I would like to learn the Around the World dance. Anybody want to flash dance? That shit would be awesome. Time to depart. Later.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I Have Jean Grey Powers

So I have not written in this like I said I would and so I ask of you to forgive me. Anyways, change of subject, Tomorrow will be our first game in Intramural Volleyball. I know we have the ingredients to win but let us see how we put them together. Oh and I have been keeping real good track of my expenses. I am doing them in preparation of my life. I am going to be an accountant so might as well start early. I GOT MYSELF A COLMUNAR PAD and I have been recording my deposits and purchases. I am not getting the same thing the bank is giving me but I have a purchase that they do not. I do not know why but I do. So hopefully they just look over that and totally forget that. I am also getting really tired easily. Maybe it is just today seeing as I was drinking last night. I think so. Next topic, I took Jordan to go see Daniel Tosh for his birthday. It was an early birthday present and I actually do not care if he liked it because I fucking loved it. But I know he liked it also so that makes me like it even more. Just knowing I did something cool for somebody else makes me feel good. It is great timing because I have been in a funk these last couple of days. I am also listening to cues and they make me happy but you know what doesn't? Don't answer, rhetorical question, it is HOMEWORK. I have a lot, no, an amount that would be less if I were not procrastinating. I am just going to admit it right now. I am not as organized and neat like I want to be. I try, and I think I am doing really well for trying. So suck on that AMERICA. I have been peeing a shit ton (awesome diction, right?) and it feels weird. Now I know what my grandma feels like when she gets up in the middle of the night to pee. Oh how I learn so quickly. But anyways, I would love to stay and chat a little more but. OH shit wait. I totally am learning Italian. And I am doing it through Rosetta Stone and Mango. It is so cool. I cannot wait to be proficient in multiple languages. I really do want to learn like 3 languages other than English and probably it is going to be more. I also heard some Arabic superstitions. Apparently it is bad luck for a shoe to have its sole pointing towards the ground (upside-down). And if a girl passes over somebody else like crawls over them, while she is on her period, then it will stunt your growth. Oh and some colloquialisms too. One is "I hope your vagina eats you" and "shit on you". Funny. Anyways, gots to pee. Later.

Monday, September 20, 2010

I Pinky Promise.

I have not updated this thing in such a long time that I feel like I am making you disappointed. Well I do not like that. I do not like that at all. I am going to change my ways and at least update once a week. It is probably going to be on Sundays. Speaking about Sundays, We (meaning Evan, Chloe, Jordan, Chanel, Karla, Elyse and I) start playing our volleyball season this Sunday. I am excited. I have asked for help from multiple St. Edward's volleyball players and have yet to receive their services. Maybe it is because they are safe guarded secrets, or maybe because they think I am creepy. I do not know but I would like to believe that it is the first. I do not know if we are ready for it. I think we are but with that change of court, anything can happen. I know for sure, I need to work on my serves. Anyways, I have visited Jardin a couple of times at work and she is really starting to show her true colors to me and I like it. I also had a heart-to-heart with Celeste and it was great. I do believe we are closer now. I also have been seeing Magie a lot, more than usual but I am not complaining. There is so much school stuff to do that I do feel overwhelmed sometimes. But I put myself in this mess and I am going to get myself out. I feel like this is not going to be my best semester academically but it is going to be the one that I have done the most...so far. I really want for Courtney to come visit during the month of March because it is going to be my birthday and it is going to be Spring Break for her and me as well. Something that I am pursuing but failing miserably at is love. I want to find that right person but I cannot find the one that wants me also. Maybe I am putting too much thought into it but sometimes I do not feel loved. Sometimes I do sit and think about the event that I might not meet that someone and I will be lonely forever. A perpetual virgin. I am not going to lie, but I do sometimes get teary eyed thinking about this. I will admit that, but I know that I have friends that will support me and that one day I might meet that person. I am just so tired of waiting and pursuing only to come up on a cold trail. So how about I make this a personal invitation, If you like me, tell me straight to my face. I am not good with hints if they include me in the equation. I can tell if it is for other people, but not for me. So, more than physically, this semester has been emotionally draining. Enough about my feelings, which should be important to you. Damn how is this post the most dramatic shit ever. I have not posted anything in a while and when I do it is some sort of pity-party-debbie-downer shit. Oh god. Oh well. So like I said somewhere before, Life will find a way.

I took that from Jurassic Park because I fuckin' love that movie. I have also listened to Natasha Beddingfield's Touch a lot and it gives me goosebumps everytime because of the way everything is connected. Eerie but awesome. How about I make the next post less sad whilst entertaining you with some hilarious moment in life that I have experienced.

I will see you later. I pinky promise.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

It Is That Time Of Year Again

School has started and I already had a project and quiz and goo gobs of reading to do. Da Fuck is up with that? I don't know. Maybe it is because a smart guy decided to take 18 hours. I am going to be drained. I also moved in, ya know, I realized my brain most of the time does not work in sequential order and it confuses people. So if you if you sometimes do not understand then I really don't care. These entries are the ramblings of my brain and they will be however they please. Next topic.
Oh, went to a Round Rock Express game on Tuesday or something like that and got so many coupons to Taco Bueno and other coupons to other places. So random but hey, that is some free food and I am always thankful for that. I am also waiting for a refund check so that I can pay some bills and save some for the future bills. My check from My Generation has still not come in yet and it is pissing me off because this shit was done 5 days shy of a month ago. So fuck a nigga named EMS payroll. Oh and with that refund check, I am going to buy some shoes and possibly a Fleshlight. Sounds reasonable. Oh shit. I forgot about this drunk lady at the RRE game.
So, Evan, Jordan and I were sitting in the grassy knoll by the right fielder. Above us was a side walk and then a pool with some tables and that is where she was. She was sitting there all angel like not really but I just describe that way because she made my night, no lie. Anyways, her way of working was just to yell at the right fielder but by calling them by their number. So RRE RF's number was 25 the opposing Redhawks was 24. RRE was on the field and so she yelled, "Twenty, five. HEY NUMBER TWENTY FIVE. Hey twenty five." He was not looking up because he thought it was a trap. I don't know for sure but that is what I would think if I was in his place. "TWENTY FIVE". No answer. Then 3 outs and the other team is out on the field. Here comes 24. "HEY NUMBER TWENTY FOUR. Twenty FOUR. HEY TWENTY FOUR." He was not as smart and so he looked slightly back. "HEY TWENTY FOUR.....YOU SUCK!" Then he fully turned back and just waved it off with the same reaction that one would do if some one was waving 'hello' to them. A man sitting next to the angel chimed in, " YEAH LOOK UP HERE. YOU SUCK." Then the angel, "TWENTY FOUR. Hey twenty four." The man has learned his lesson and he did not look or even glance back again. Then silence for about 5 mins. "VEINTE CUATRO!" Oh shit that made me laugh so hard. I don't know what was going through her head but it was probably something like this: Let me see, he now is not going to respond to anything I am saying to him in English. OH. Let me see if by me yelling out in Spanish he will not recognize that it is me and he will turn around and I can verbally rape him again. I believe that was her thinking. OOOOOOORRRRRR. It probably was not and it was the beer talking. Either way I was laughing for 2 minutes straight because of that. Thank you random drunk angel. THANK YOU.
I finally got Rosetta Stone for Spanish and Italian and I am so excited. Like so excited I have not even started it. OH YEAH. I have homework to be doing and I need to contact these St. Edward's niggas about the on campus jobs because I applied and I have work study and I need this shit. NO JOKE. If they want me to die then they should go ahead and just shoot me. Did you know that a recurring nightmare I have had is about some random thug or somebody who has a gun and is shooting at me and is never running out of bullets. For some reason, a gun is scarier to me than a knife. I have said more than enough to keep you busy for 2 or 3 minutes so I shall leave you with a sense that I can see what you are doing at all times. I have ESP I think and it is really acting up ever since I got back on campus. Maybe a sign of something to come. I don't know. Maybe I should ask That's So Raven for some guidance. Alright, Later.


Sunday, August 22, 2010


It starts in a while. And by while, I mean that it starts 11 hours and 39 mins from now. I am excited and I like my room that I have with all my furniture and shit that happened to find its way here. On the other hand, I am seeing a significant amount of shrinkage in sperm count. No, but on a serious note, I gave Jordan his ticket to Daniel Tosh and I am guessing he is psyched about it because he looked like it I think. It could have been the ticket or maybe a mild case of tapeworms. I don't know, I am not a doctor but all in all I hope he like his birthday present. Now I have to find one for Jacob. Turns out he already pre-ordered Halo Reach and that is exactly what I was going to get him so that he did not have to pay for it. But oh well, I have to look for something else then. I do not know what but I will find the answer sometime before we have to do anything for his birthday. NOW on to what happens in life.
Went to a "get together" last night and it was nice seeing old friends and making a new one that was totally wasted but you know what fuck it. I will tell you this later because I am listening to a song that needs my full attention. Later.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Something You Want To Hear

So I have been looking around for some furniture and I still need a table and a plethora of other items but small steps. I also got most of my books and I am proud of that because I save like a gagillion dollars. Thank you Campusbookrentals.com (shameless promotion). I have also worked on My Generation for a little bit but my damn paycheck still has not come in and it is getting on my nerves because I need that piece of shit now. I took pictures of random shit and I totally forgot to post them. Oh well, go to Facebook and see them. Vapur, I am going to review you. Don't fret. I am just going to get a good 2 weeks in of use before I make a good verdict. I have also done some other stuff that I can't remember. I realize how vague this is and frankly, I don't give a fuck. Tomorrow I am going to apply for a job at school for work study and they better give me that shit because I need it. I can't get by on my good looks alone. My hair is short now and I like it, especially since it is fucking 239048273498 degrees outside. And waiting for time to pass by is exhausting. Craigslist people need to hurry and e-mail faster. Get a smartphone and it is way easier. Steve is also helping me get furniture, and by furniture, I mean a bed. It is going to be a foam bed that I have always wanted and so a desk is needed and maybe drawers. I plan on just hanging everything up and throwing underwear and socks just in a crate or something somewhere. I ain't got to impress somebody with my room. Maybe I will make a dresser. What a cool summer project. Recycled. Anyways, back to more searching and begging for money. Can't stop a balla. Later.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Damn. Not in a While, Huh, Old Sport

Alright so I am here at Super Cuts and thought it would be the perfect time to go and write an entry. So let us start at last night. While pumping gas some homeless men, a smooth wise crackin' black man and an incoherent white high as a kite man, were talking some kind noise. Until I heard the black man the other that if he didn't shut his mouth that he was going to get his ass beat. Huh? My ears perked up and started listening like it was my damn religion class. Intently they fought with black man words and the mumbles of a white man. I actually saw that these men were not going to fight. He was just giving him a very VERY hard time. It was Tough Love if you had to put a label on it. Got me thinking. Why do men hassle eachother so much. I mean it is fun sometimes but is it really that hard to confess feelings? And it is not just men but everybody. So lesson learned on this random excursion was that you don't have to be act manly with feelings. Feelings are there because they are apart of you. Why waste time trying to hide them. Anyways, that is all that I have for this entry even though it sound like I was going to have more from the way I worded my first sentences. But hey another lesson for you. YOU use English, not English uses you.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ha, Um About That

You know what is funny, ha, yeah, remember that time I said in my previous post that I would write more often. Ha, just kidding, I am such a silly billy. You fell for it. Anyways, I totally spent a hundred bucks on some shit that should be the an highlight of my life. Exciting on how vague but what-evs, you all up in my business and shit. Also, I saw a movie named Chloe. It was an intense sexual experience and damn is there titties just everywhere, which reminds me that I have to throw away the milk that expires today. Also, Julianne Moore needs to be my mother or some other kind of guardian, she is a really phenomenal actress. I am going to upload my stitch extraction later today. It didn't hurt but felt weird. I liked it. Maybe I should get more just to do that. Am I a masochist? Naw, just have a high pain tolerance that I want to exercise. I have been reading World War Z and it is an awesome book about zombies. It is a nice little heart racer. I am going to finish it later today. And then I am going to move on and read the other 9 books that I told myself that I would finish before school. I have to buy damn books for school and got no money to do so. So if you would like to donate I would more than likely accept. The least I can do is let you touch my dick. I mean I am generous and kind. Blah blah blah Go Girl Go Girl. Pitbull rules my iPod. When I have a child(s) I want them as quirky as me and I would not give a fuck if they were weird. I can see where my little sister gets it and where my little niece get it. Man, those kids are going to be the talk of the town and I am pretty sure they are going someplace in their life. So I think that is the caboose of my thought train for this early morning, so exit out of this window damnit. You are keeping me from reading my book.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Way Way Down

I have been falling off this blog thing for awhile now and I realized that I have to stop that now. Ready. Ok. It is done. Anyways, I have finished my book finally, THE RAW SHARK TEXTS and I could see it as a movie. Hey, maybe I can write the movie. Sometimes I wonder why Hollywood makes movies different than books. I mean sometimes the books do not translate well into movie but there is always a way. I got this shirt today and it is fucking awesome. It is just a light blue and grey button up but I like it. I am going to test my iMovie skills today by making a movie for my brother about his trip. It should be good, I mean 'cause I made it, but other than that I am doing nothing but reading. Reading WORLD WAR Z to be exact. I have to also call my teachers to see if I even need books and hopefully all of them say, "Books are fucking stupid. Hell naw you don't need them. Now everybody give Sam a bj." Or something along those lines. And I have decided to do the PA thing because they asked for me. I feel special. I am going to do it Saturday, and it is all the way in Kingsland, Texas. Yeah I haven't heard it either. But oh well, I can have experience and shit, I am not going in my car so I get to take my mother's car. Suck it bitches. MUAHHHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Also, I have decided that I want a Colcasac. If you don't know what that is then google it, shit, what the fuck do you think I am, the internet? You can do shit yourself, I am not going to be your bitch. Sorry about that I decided to unleash some ghetto because I have nobody to unleash it on in my house. It builds up and I need to metaphorically masturbate my ghetto-ness out. And yes, I do masturbate. Anyways. See you later. I am going to read.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

50% Off

So I have some codes for ZAGG that get you some awesome products with half the price. But that is not all that I am going to post about. My mother actually moved out of her house into a new house. It is a fucked up situation to begin with so here we go...(flashback ripples)

So 4 years ago my mother's friend moved to Washington. She bought a house in Cedar Park 3 months prior to moving. Since she could not sell the house, she decided to let my mom take over payments and live there. Done deal. (flashforward ripples) Now, Mother's friend has taken a new job and that job has some perks attached to it but the only problem is that she won't be able to get these perks with 2 houses under her name. So she needed to find somebody to switch the houses name under. My mother was gladly going to take the house but Mother's friend's brother decided that he would like an extra house. Being a sneaky cunt that he is, swiped from right under her nose was the house. So now he owns the house and has the balls to kick a family out of it. What a dick. But never anger my mom because she is extremely passive aggressive. So by moving out promptly, into a newer,more spacious and awesomer home, she gets to not pay the mortgage on the house and so now before the guy even moves in he has to pay for a month's payment even when he is not living there. Well I guess that is what he gets. And she is closer and in Anderson Mill not fucking Cedar God Dam Park. Happy for her I am. Oh and I believe Karma is not everywhere but can only be in one place at one time. It is something that passes from person to person like a cold. Weird but that is what I think. I the PA thing is not happening and I got some new headphones from Skullcandy that were only 10 bucks when they should have been 30. It was cool. They know how to somewhat treat their customers. I have also been working on MQM2 and I saw these weird awesome movies.

The first in Martyrs which is weird and scary in the beginning but in the middle and last part it just started to go down. The second was Inside. It was so fucking creepy that I was scared and I wanted to just cover my face. It was about a pregnant lady, so BAM, that makes it intense already. Then the lady is pursued by a crazy woman who wants her baby because she lost her's 4 months earlier. Just so much went on that it was just awesome. I know I want MQM2 to be at least half as creepy. I have also been waiting for my damn check that should have been here on last week but whatever. Come Monday I am calling to see where the fuck they be. My little sister is cute. She was singing Lady GaGa and Beyonce. On my YouTube now so go see it. I hope you are ready to get adorable to death. Later.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Who Taught You?

I slammed on some Golden Corale(Idk how to spell it) today and man I think I might be half Irish. 2 out of 2 plates that I consumed consisted of 2 rolls and a heaping helping of mashed potatoes. I am definitely half Irish but without the Irish curse (Urban dictionary it). I worked on MQM2 also. I think it is coming out good. Maybe I should become a writer? Maybe... I think the only reason I hate writing is because I never write about anything that really interests me to the core. I am creative, I should pursue the arts in some way. By the way, I just killed a roach and enjoyed every second of it. Does that make me a bad person? FUCK NO. I still have not heard back from C.W.G. program so hopefully I do. I hope I do. Maybe this week. That is a lot of 'maybe's in one post. On a side note, I wish I could bust-a-nut on command. I have a physical this Thursday, and when I have to drop my breeches and turn my head and cough, I want to splooge as soon as Doc starts groping and examining, just *Evan's Spiderman web shooting sound* him in the face. How funny would that be? I think I might pee myself if that happened, and that would help with cleaning the semen out of the urethra. That is why you urinate in not a constant flow sometimes, it is the semen or pre-cum and sometimes post-cum that is blocking the passage. Vampire Weekend is having me in daze. They are such a good band. Tosh is coming to Austin also. I am waiting for some moolah to roll in so that I may buy tickets to see him. The PA thing, yeah, my worst fears have been done. I mean the best thing that I can do is just help when they need it, which is one day, but nonetheless, I could meet some cool people. It has been raining here in Austin for the past 4 days and it is awesome. I like water. That means I am complex. Pssh, I have more to say but I would bore you to sleep like a lullaby. But fuck it (hahhahahahahahhahahhahhahahahahha), I am going to finish 3 books before August. GOAL SET. (Match?) Later.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Random Pictures Like I Said

The New Deminsion.

So I think I totally got booted off the PA position before I even started. I think the producer does not know how to be an actual person. He had me booked basically for the position and now he does not even have space. Maybe he does not know it is me, hopefully that is the case. I am going to call him later on today and see what is up. I also saw The Last Airbender today and I liked it. I thought it could need a little bit of a spruce up (like more fighting) but all in all it was good. Oh and to save you money, see it in 2D. It is not worth the 3D especially since it does not use it to its capabilities for 96% of the movie. I am getting fucking tired of movies that are coming out in 3D and they are completely unnecessary because it looks the same as it's 2D counterpart. I am about to go to Hollywood and show them how real 3D movies are supposed to be. They will then figure out what the fuck they are doing wrong and then they can correct themselves. I have also been working on MQM2 a little bit, here and there but it is not where I want it to be. It is actually taking longer. I would like to shoot and wrap before we go camping, that is, if I even go camping because the original date is way too close to school start up. I need to think of more ideas quick and that should not be a problem because I am a Pisces and we are known to be creative. And serious. And indecisive. And emotional. All traits that make me unique. This is going to be hard but I am prepared to face that. I finally know what true writer's block is. Tension needs to be released *wink* I have random pictures that I shall put up so that you make take a gander at them.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


I know the picture looks like it is a black mess but with a little ingenuity and a woman named Destinee Hooker you will be able to tell that I, officially and successfully, pissed while walking backwards. I just pulled my cock out through my zipper and let it rip. This was at 3 in the morning. After I got off the set. Yes, you heard correctly, after I got off set. I went in at 4 p.m. and did not get done till 3. It was fucking hot and nasty and a whole bunch of other adjectives but they fed us some alright BBQ. I had a major headache that did not go away and so cheering and yelling did not help. Other than that it was an alright night and will soon be another long night because I have to go in at 6, my time. Doing these games are tiring and I am glad that this is the last in the season before the "State game" I hope that if I can not do the PA thing than I can hopefully go to Dallas. I am currently watching Volleyball and it is exciting. There is a girl on the Texas team named Destinee Hooker and damn she is a whole lot of woman. I mean I don't usually go for black girls but I will definitely catch Jungle Fever for her. I have also found out that my application was received for the Charley Wootan Grant Program and I should find out in July if I got it. July 3rd to be exact. I sure hope I did. It would be great. I need that damn grant. Please pray for me. More Miss Quince Massacre 2 is still on the roll and it is going to come out great. I have been so busy this week that I have not even been able to run at night for over the past 4 nights. Over and out.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Getting The Ball Rolling

So I have finished the opening scene of MQM2. Wrote it. Not shot it. Shooting, I hope, will start in July and I have music planned-ish and all that. I have to also write the rest. Ha. I think that would be something of importance to start on. On another note I was on the set of Friday Night Lights and basically I got paid to sit and do nothing for 5 hours and then actually worked for an hour and then waited some more. It is so boring. But I am also booked for Friday and Saturday. They are night stuff so that will be crazy to see how that works out. Also unrelated, I found some Add-ons for Firefox and now they allow me to destroy what I am looking at which is awesome and it also allows me to download YouTube videos in any state they are in and also convert them into mp3s. Blah Blah Blah I masturbated like 30 minutes ago blah blah blah I do not know. I shall go to sleep even though I am feeling so fly like a G6.

Also, if you would like to be in the movie, hit me up.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Back By Popular Demand

This saying makes my day all day. I know you miss me for not writing (I like to think you care) but now here I am in all my glory presenting to you the adventures of me. Not much to say other than to put rumors to rest. YES. Miss Quince Massacre will be taking shape in the form of a script later today. The originals plus a newbie will be writing furiously in order to get the whole movie done by August. I am also contacting a Maggie Barton to see if I could use her music. You should look her up. She is an awesome musician and I am glad I met her. Anyways, I feel like poppin' bottles in the ice. Well, in case you did not know, that was a song reference. And look out for the soundtrack to Miss Quince Massacre 2, it is going to have so much of everything in the music department. Maybe it will open your eyes and introduce you to other bands and what not. Might even change your life. Also, scouting is happening tomorrow for locations. I can not wait to get this thing rolling on this. I am excited, I cannot control myself. Time to reconnect with friends and apparently to Edgar's mom that means you are going to die, or you are going to kill people or something, I do not know fully the rules but something blah blah blah some mexican superstition that I do not understand. All in all, later.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Days Gone By

Alright. Nothing has happened much that is why I am writing all late because I had to scrounge for something to even put in this entry. First and foremost was while on the set of Friday Night Lights, they decided to give me my own trailer. I just wanted to show all of you how small it was and resembled more a jail cell than a lavish waiting room. But I was so stoked to even have one because I don't even know if it will happen again. It was such a wonderfully awesome hot day. Also, I have decided to buy a blowjob from a hooker sometime soon because I feel like it is an experience that everybody should feel.

I also want you to know that my wallet came in yesterday and it is a Mighty Wallet. I love it to death. I was peeping it for awhile and now that I have it, I just want to buy more and more. Also Dynomighty has some pretty neat shit, some of which I will be purchasing for 1323. I also found a girl. I don't know if it is the right girl but I need to man up on this one. She is different, even though that is what I said about the last one (You 3 guys know what I am talking about, Carlos' party) but who knows. She is about 6 years older than me and I know that is what I need because everybody knows I am somewhat of a cougar hunter. I think that is why moms love me. That could also explain why I have some of my friends' mothers' numbers stored in my cell phone. I know nothing of her personal life but I like that. I know about her but do not know her. Weird but it works for me. I guess the next thing to do would be to find out if she has a boyfriend. A beautiful girl like her has to be dating somebody, especially since she has an awesome personality. Name is Ornela, and I think she is alright. ha just joshing you. I know she is great.

This picture is just of a wall that was plastered with vines in back of Einstein's bagels. I just loved where it was at and the tall roof with in closed quarters. I like how that makes me feel. It makes me feel small but meaningful all at the same time. It makes me feel home but abandoned. It makes me feel like a contradiction as the Starburst commercials would say. Oh and it is decided. I am going to get the new Iphone and it is going to be awesome. I just hope it will let me sync my school email because so far Blackberry is the only one who knows how to do that. I have also concluded that a formal job is not going to be obtained this summer (gasp, what a surprise) but this extra work will continue and hopefully St. Edward's will give me a job because I put I wanted work study so they better give it to me. Speaking of St. Edward's, I saw Jardin on Wednesday and was glad I got to talk to her and not to mention she gave me some ice cream. She is doing great despite everything and she completed her show on Thursday at Momo's. Congratulations to her. I am also going to hang out with Mr. Gian M. Carta tonight. Supposedly he has a plethora of parties tonight and asked if I would like to accompany him. I hope he knows I am a shitty wing-man. (Actually, I think I am one of the best). Off to harass Edgar for not telling me that he has Alan Wake, a game I mentioned to him. But I need to wait for the mail. Sometimes I think that I could make a career out of waiting for the mail.

This is what I had at Einstein's, it is a Chipotle Turkey Wrap. God Damn was that shit spicy. But that bomb ass potato salad cooled my searing tastebuds.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Freakin' Pope

I told you he sent a present. Or shall I say certificate? I don't know but that is awesome that the Pope cares. I am pretty sure that makes us buds. Also I took a picture of a furniture store and it was called Lifestyles. And I was wondering why the condom brand made a furniture store. But it was just a coincidence that it was named that and I sobbed for a little bit because I wanted it to be more but then I moved on. I recently found my new favorite shows: The Hard Times of RJ Berger and Warren The Ape. They are both funny so much that I don't even know how to describe it. I also bought a case for my Blackberry whilst saving 12 bucks and I finally had the Tortadas from Taco Bell because I have always wanted to try it. I am waiting for my invisible shield to come in and my new wallet that is awesome ass-ness. (Yeah I don't know). Big announcement today is that the Gorillaz music video came out today and I downloaded it the second it came out and here is the treat for you to watch. I just multimedia'd the crap out of this post.

p.s. I cannot embed the video because I got restricted. So you have to click the link to watch it.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Here is another of the god son singing to his god father and wife. It was a sweet song that he wrote. How original and awesome. You might also be wondering why there is a picture of vodka. Well that is what everybody was drinking in the background. They was getting on it. Quite a sight to see. For some reason that reminded me of when I saw a homeless couple who were listening to some music on their cell phone. It was nice but it did not warrant me thinking about giving them money. My grandpa and grandma are awesome. And they got a present from the pope. No lie. I will post a picture later. I feel so special. I had Denny's this morning and it was exactly what I was expecting. Funny thing is the drunk lady who could barely chew her food while staying awake. She was fucked up. And while on my way to my truck to leave there was a gaggle of black people just smokin' a blunt in the parking lot. Ha. Funny. Alright. I am tired and I am so fucking tired. So I shall be taking my leave now.

The Drunk Chick

My Grandparents's Anniversary was awesome and heartfelt. A shit load of people came to the church part and the reception also. Free food of course. I also learned what a horrible planner my mother is but hey she did it. I could have done a better job, way better. By the way the little girl in the picture is my little sister. This is a nice family reunion with some drama that I was all ears for. And up there is the happy half century couple. Congratulations.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

50 nifty

So I don't know when I am supposed to leave to go to the anniversary. Nobody really tells me anything. I will just figure it out for myself because that is how I like to do things anyway. A little bird told me that I need more pictures in my blog. So now I will post a picture in every blog that I post because obviously reading someone else's thought is not that interesting any more. For those who do not know. I went to main event yesterday. It was actually more fun than I remembered. I want to just go and ride that rollercoaster simulator all day because that was fun to see the fear in my little sister and niece's eyes. I Laughed Out Loud all kinds noises. I also did this picture thing that was dumb (pic above). It was 3 dollars and it basically did absolutely nothing fun. I drew on myself with it if that counts at all. I dumped Evo also and went back to Tour. Sorry HTC but Blackberry just knows how to do so much more stuff that is cooler than you and don't forget, IT DOES NOT DIE WITHIN 12 HOURS. I also made a list of things that I need to do before school starts and it does not contain much but each carries a grave weight. Off I go.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Saw the A-Team. Bad ass movie and funny as fuck also. But enough about that, I have noticed that some friendships have been broken by I guess time. But here is a question: Is it wrong for person 1 to hang out with person 3 even if person 3 and 2 do not get along and person 1 is friends with both 2 and 3? I know you would like to be loyal and believe me, I am one of the most loyal people there are but does it make you a bad person if you are that person 1? Or should person 2 be pissed? I do believe that a true friend will not put another in that position. A position to where they have to choose. All in all friends are the biggest relationship that you carry. They mold you and make you see things that you would have never believed or seen for yourself. Things happen for a reason and sometimes they are not random. Words from the wise.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So I am actually tired of having the time of my life. Is that weird? NAH NIGGA. Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing and it just ruins everything else that follows. You need to know depression before you can truly know what happiness is. You know sometimes that is just what life deals you and you just have to know what you want to do with it. I need my Skullcandy headphones back by the way. I have had them for so long and then CRACK, they decide to break. Actually let us have a moment of silence for them....

Alright. Well thank god that Skullcandy has a lifetime warranty. How could I be so blessed with companies in my life that make it easy (HTC, that is not you). A side not. I got a new phone, and I like it, but god damn does the battery life suck. I LOVE my BLACKBERRY but sometimes you have to let go of some things that you love. I just need RIM to mature a little bit and then I will come back. My Grandparents' Anniversary is this Saturday. Saturday people, it will be great and awesome, and I am hoping for some bomb ass food. Alright, back to other shit, that backpack that I stated in an earlier post, well that one has a lifetime warranty also. Shit is that thing awesome as fuck. I know when I have a company, I will definitely treat my customers like they are the shit because they are and I will offer lifetime warranty on whatever the fuck I am going to be selling. Kathy Griffin, I saw her new stand up special and I liked it. Laughed so hard I woke people up from there sleep. HA. I am going to give a shout out to my nigga Charley Wootan (I like to think that if I mention that damn grant enough I will somehow get it), what it do? Oh fuck, I forgot about YouTube that wants to shut me out of my account for no damn reason. I had to make another channel so completly disregard the SamGonzable channel and head to TheSamuelGonzales channel. It is the exact same but with half the fat and is a daily source of vitamin B 12. Yeah, I have nothing else. Time to watch Jurassic Park 2.

Also, Check out this Gorillaz trailer. I am damn excited

Monday, June 7, 2010


The Evo is going to be entering my life in a couple of hours and I am excited. I want to just not do anything today. Fucking, I made a wrap Sunday, and it consisted of Monterrey Jack cheese and smoked turkey with Balsamic Vinaigrette. It was yummy, or so I thought. I ate like π and then I went and threw it out of my mouth. For some reason, I almost threw up whilst chewing it. Weird sensation and it disoriented me. Off guard, I stood in front of the toilet expecting to blow chunks but none arrived. This is not really a good entry for this but who gives a fuck. OH SHIT, and the movie awards was funny as hell. I laughed so hard but then that was crushed because of fucking TWILIGHT BITCHES AND JOCK RIDERS. Twilight deserves not to be alive. Please ban them. The first thing I do when I build my time machine is to travel back in time and Kill Stephanie Meyers before she writes those damn books. Sleep is calling my name like a Siren. Teeth need to be brushed before that. I hope I do not have diarrhea later on today because of that damn wrap. Wish me luck? Sure.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Graves

What a post I have for you tonight, so let us get started. First of all, you know that phone that I ordered like 2-3 weeks before it came out, yah, that one. Well it has not come in yet. Fuck me right? I am guessing when you ship things out and it says "Overnight Delivery" it actually does not mean over night delivery. It was shipped on Friday. And Saturday, where is it? Well not in my god damn hand that is for sure. That is one of the most soul tearing, gut wrenching, hair pulling, bitch moves anybody can ever make; Saying you are going to do something and you don't. I go berserk when that happens to me. It angers me to my core. But I am over it and now I am playing the waiting game, a game that I have grown to hate and one that for some reason am a frequent player. But enough about that shit time to go to the dumb shit.

The Graves, the meat and bones of this post, is by far, THE MOST STUPID MOVIE EVER MADE. It is as if somebody took a shit and smeared it on the camera lens for an hour and thirty minutes and called it a movie. People were dying left and right. There was 103249 killers and only 2 people to kill (Yeah, I don't even know). Some horrible ass acting. I know mine is bad but compared to that it is fucking oscar worthy. Oh and flies that somehow represented a demon and sucked souls. Fucking retarded. NEVER SEE IT. This is for your own good. They only way I advise you to see this movie is by stealing it (which I would not even attempt to waste energy stealing this crap), or conning somebody else to pay to rent this movie. Talking about it is hard to do. I think I might have to purge my mind in some cult (Heaven's Gate, that means you) for a good 3 or 4 days before I can become sane again.

All in all today (Saturday) went well seeing as how I actually got fed...twice. Once for BBQ from Lockhart in which I do not approve because it was mediocre and they did not have potato salad. Deal Breaker right the fuck there. And then went to Jorge's with Edgar and spent his mom's money on food. That is a good day. For Your Information, Uncle Sam's cereal is my favorite cereal now. I mean I am a name-ist but still that is good cereal and it is awesomely good for you. Things I am looking forward to in this order. Monday (Tomorrow). June 8 (Kathy Griffin), June 15 (Kathy once more), July 3 (Charley Wootan recipients announced), July 9 (First Day as PA), August (School). They are more to sqeeze in but first I have to figure what they are. Leave your life open and all sorts of stuff can fall in there to make it full

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Suspcious Minds

I was listening to Elvis and randomly I felt a nostalgic feeling even though I have never listened to him before. Weird. Anyways I forgot to tell you about this cunning old man that I must applaud. Having stood in the Evo line for almost 2 hours a man walks up with a bag of Taco Cabana and heads straight to the front of the line and handed a homeless man the bag and then the homeless man exited. It was quite a smart and classy move. Why wait in the morning all that time when you can have a homeless man wait in line for you. HOW SMART. He deserves a Captain Morgan because he has a little Captain in him. And that is all for that story. I really miss school. I want to go back already. All this free time is too much, I don't know what to do with myself other than wanking off 5 times a day. HA. But in the mean time I guess I will just run around in circles until it turns into squares. I also want July to arrive with a quickness because I need that nigga named Charley Wootan to hit a nigga back up. OOOH OOOH, It's Saturday, sticky icky icky. How are you gonna act like you don't like that song? Movie awards tomorrow. Hopefully no stupid ass movies get any awards. Twilight and Avatar that means you.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

New For YOU

I am getting a new phone tomorrow. It is coming in the mail so I do not have to wait in line. Fucking tight right. I also found out that I am going to be getting almost 2 grand extra in financial aid. But I can't wait till July because I want to find out if I got the Charley Wootan Grant. I only want it mainly because of the name. No lie. But I do want it for future use. And I still need a fucking J-O-B. Shit somebody needs to hire me. I will even do porn if you would like me to do. I really do not give a fuck. My qualifications for that would be that I do the cyclone erryday after I shower and I can get an erection really fast. So bam I should get the job right here and now. OVER AND OUT FOR NOW

When There Is Thunder

I was so exhausted last night that I did not post anything. Here is what my day consisted of yesterday.

Got up at 9:30 a.m and showered. I get out, get dressed and am ready to go but decided to wait and contemplate whether to buy another shit. Well up comes 10:20 and I am like "Shit, I needs to go". I leave and zoom down the streets towards the Texas School for the Blind, which is a wicked large school. I still don't know why da fuck that thing is so huge. I want to say it is literally 2 whole blocks big and then some. I have no idea but shit I didn't care. Walked my happy ass inside and had to wait in a line that was a gym long, I know because we were in a gym. I got my voucher and before I could finish filling it out, I already have to go to wardrobe. Waited in line for 30 minutes all for a damn black hat that said "EAST" in red. I thought I was literally going to sweat my balls off. Like it was just so hot that they were just going to be like "Nah nigga, I am sorry but fuck this heat. We gonna bounce". Either that or I was going to step on them because they were going to be so low. Anyway, finally got back to the gym, went to go change into my first change in the boys locker room which was nicer than then one I had in my HIGHSCHOOL. WTF?!? So after that I went outside and waited. And waited and waited. Met some cool people including Ornela Smith. At 1 they finally have the first scene set up and we have to travel to some building that they claimed as CITY HALL and I was a fan in that scene. Maybe you will see me and maybe you won't. I don't really give a fuck because I got paid either way. That scene was fun and I learned that the hat I was wearing was new and not even the main actors had a hat like that. One of the coaches, a big strong black man tried to take it from me and I fought back and was worthy of wearing the hat. Scene done and time to go back and while on the way back I got promoted to being a College Student. WOOT Woot. Changed into my second change and waited for the next scene. Then at the last second I was demoted to a highschool student. Now ain't that about a bitch. But hey, I was only scheduled to be a fan so I was still happy. Any who, I was told that the set up was going to be small so they actually did not need the whole 18 people that were left. Now time to do the scene, the PA started to count off people. 8. I was not one of those eight but I still had hope. He came back. 5. I don't want to spill the beans but I was one of those five. So it was a computer lab scene and in no way was I facing the camera. Sorry ladies all you will get to see is the lovely locks upon my head. That scene was done at 6:30 and then they fed us. Some above average mexican food but none the less they still fed us. THEN, BOOOOOOOM. A flash of lightning and a crash of thunder and then the down pour came. They kept us because most of us did not have our vouchers because when you get something from wardrobe they keep as to see that you can not take it. Smart. Blah blah blah, long story short, I actually did not leave the set till 8:30. Fucking tired after that point. It was like playing a cut throat waiting game. Oh and by the way, I wrote 98% of this blog using my left thumb spacebar pusher. It is exciting because I use my right thumb to do that job.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

On The Set

That is right. I am here and I just got done with my first change and it was fucking hot outside and it still is fucking hot outside. This shit is ridic. At least all I have to do is wait and shit and I will get paid for that.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Touch and Go

This is that shit you pay with and you don't have to swipe the card. I was so excited when I used it that I jizzed on myself when I did. And to correct my earlier post Jardin completed her first show this Monday. And by the way, Kick Butt Coffee wasn't even open for her to play on the inside so that was dumb on their part but we still made it worth while to come out.

I got hired as an extra for Friday Night Lights. Woot woot my niggas.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


So got some free lunch/dinner from Jorge's complements of Edgar's mom. And I have no idea what they did with their recipe because it tasted a whole lot fuckin' better than it usually does. After that Edgar and I went to the Domain. I saw some shit that I want to get for my Mac and then we went to the other side of the Domain which I did not know existed and I got some shorts from Finish Line, and here is the weird awesome part, this lady who is working the cash register gave me an offer that I could not refuse. (FLASHBACK) I took the shorts off of the hanger so that I could better judge the size of the shorts. I placed the hanger on the rack. I judged the shorts and deemed them fit to purchase. I stood there for a couple of seconds contemplating whether to just leave the hanger or just take it and put the shorts back on so that I can buy the shorts with the hanger. I said "FUCK IT" in my mind and I took the hanger with me but did not put the shorts on them. Then this is how it went from then on:

S: I would like to buy these now
C: Alright, I can get you right here
S: Ok. Oh where do I put-
(I saw off to the corner of the register a cart where there was empty hangers)
S: Oh, nevermind, I will just put it here
C: OK. Thanks. The total is 10.81
S: Alright, here you go.
C: (Whisper voice) Are you looking for a job?
S: Yes actually. Are you hiring?
C: Yeah.
S: Do you have an application or can I-
C: You can just go online and do the application at Finish line dot com. I am looking at the applications on Monday so when you get home you can apply

And Bam! That is how it happened. I basically got offered a job for hanging a hanger. Oh and by the way I am scheduled to PA in July. I got that job also. Fucking why can't I get a job the conventional way? I guess that is how it is going to have to happen my whole life. Literally that is how it has happened all the other times.

I am excited. Wish me luck and I am going to sign off for the night morning thing. Why am I staying up all types of late now. That is going to have to cease.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Hive

20 miles under the surface of the Earth is a deposit of gold called a reef, in South Africa. It totally looks like The Hive from Resident Evil which by the way is getting another installment in the film franchise. RESIDENT EVIL:AFTERLIFE. Oh I have to call about the PA position today so that is one thing I have planned. I have to also apply to Gamestop and I have to bug some niggas about movie theater position and Best Buy. Oh and I am going to keep it short this time because I is tired.

Friday, May 28, 2010

I Still Know What I Did Last Summer

I applied to Gamestop and to two casting calls and a production assistant position. And guess the fuck what... They Emailed me back basically saying that I got it. Fuck Yes. Thing are looking up for my bitch ass. And I did a good deed yesterday. I gave up my bed to someone I hardly know because they are going through some shit with their family. I feel good for it being only 5 o'clock in the morning. I want some Sun, Sea, and Solitude. I am too happy right now and I am doing this shit from my phone and trying to watch a movie so goodnight glorious world.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


A swarm of roaches attacked my friends, Iris, Edgar, Kevin and I while playing Monopoly. I don't know if their intentions were truly hostile but seeing as they sent in their Air Force and Infantry towards us, there was indeed a can of whoop-ass opened once they hit this front. With so many casualties lost on their side. You would think they would give up. But, they didn't. I can feel them conspiring against us at every dark corridor and monochrome room. They believe we will just act nonchalantly about this incident, but in the back of everyone's minds this will radiate. We crushed them, I crushed them in the battle and We will, I will not let them will the war.
I am being discouraged by every place I have applied to. Discouraged is a strong word so I shall actually replace it with neglected. No one has called me back about anything. I have called the job locations asking for times when they are interviewing and a shitty response has been thrusted into my ear a million times: "I don't know when we are conducting interviews, MY boss has not given me a date." I call bullshit right there. I feel like they are not that interested into me. But if they only knew. If they only knew how much this job means to me. If they only knew my work habits and personality. If they only knew everything that can not be summarized onto a 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper. This is angering me more and more everyday. But I will not let this get to me. I will not let this put me in a bad mood. I will not let this keep me from what I need to do in life. I will not let this eat at my soul. I have handled rejection so much over the years. More than what any normal person should experience and this is just another test. But I will not let this become another test. I want it to be an experience. I want it to be an event. I want it to be a memory in my life to which I can say I succeeded. This neglecting has gone on for too long and I will not tolerate it anymore. All I need is a chance. But I can not even get that. I will not live and let chance find me because then I am not really living. Someone said that opportunities only come once. Well FUCK THAT. I will make my own opportunities. I will not be neglected anymore. I will crush these discouragements. I will crush these intolerances. I will crush these roaches and I WILL GET HIRED.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Hermssonalt Fam and the Discriminating Aliens

Yeah I know it is blurry and I don't give a fuck. I got a picture and you didn't so hop off my nuts about it. Ha and I forgot to mention a little video I had no clue about and that made my day. It is the Lady Gaga Telephone music video. DIVINE SHIT is that video funny as hell. I could not stop laughing 15 minutes after the video ended. And me just talking about it makes me laugh. HERE.

I also forgot to mention the weird ass dream I had that took place across the street from my house in the DPS parking lot. It was weird because some random ass people were in it. So it was night time and not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse, until a UFO appeared out of the sky and stopped in the middle of the air. As it hover there 2 more appeared each on either side of the original. Witnessing this me and my companions whipped out our phones or cameras if we had them and started taking pictures. The UFOs started behaving strangely and wiggled and writhed as if something was internally making them uncomfortable. I guess they were camera shy and they started spewing green dense gas all around. It fell on us but did no damage. Then when looking down at my hand I noticed I started to grow mushrooms and grass and tiny trees from my hand and arm. They somehow were fertilizing us. Quickly realizing this all of us ran inside but somehow ended up going into my grandmother's house who lives on the other side of town. Strange right. Then old classmates started showing up with the same symptoms and they showed us what they caught. But for some reason the people who did not take video or pictures of the event did not obtain the shrubbery arms. Seeing this made me angry and I quickly phoned my local congressman and complained that the Aliens were discriminating against photographers. He sadly could not do anything. And then BAM. I woke up. DA FUCK????? Yeah I have no idea.

I realized that if you wake me up before my body is ready to get up and you DEMAND for me to do someting, not ask but tell, I transform into a complete asshole. OH shit I almost forgot to do a shout out to Maddie the former RA and graduate, and Jardin the sexy friend who completed her first show Monday and gains the support of this blogger right here.

Isabella Baptism

So over here at the baptism something happened. Other than the usual you know washing of the head and what entering into a Catholic community. A scene that touched me, and not in the tra-la-la way. A man was translating for his wife because she did not understand English well. It kind of made me choked up. I wish I could find somebody that would love me like dat. But anyway, I believe it was a successful day. Good riddens.(I actually do not know how to spell that).

Out From The Depths

A hooker was running her business out of the sewers when I drove by today. Like fresh coming out of the damn pipes with her client. So I thought to myself: FUCK, even she has a job, AND she has gotten laid. Fuck my life. On the other had I got Mrs. Johnson's and she didn't so I do have some kind of ammunition. I have wondered if anybody ever gets what the fuck I am saying on these because I write them based on how I speak and the thinking process that is happening in the moment. I don't know and maybe I never will but fuck what I said it don't mean shit now. Fuck the presents might as well throw them out (Dude random ass song). I hope I get this damn scholarship and some more money from Financial Aid because I literally did the exact same as last semester so it is not like I fucked up and it is not like I progressed. Well in certain areas I did but that is neither yonder nor hither. And while on this subject, everyone needs to play and buy this game. Got to go to a baptism later on today. One of my best friend's newborn sister's to be exact. I'll take a picture.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


So while watching ER: Untold Stories there was some stories that were sad but two were so weird. One Asian had bulimia and grew immune to here finger as something to induce vomiting. So then she used a fucking FORK to gag and then she somehow got the fork stuck in her god damn throat. WHAT DA FUCK HOMEGURL?!? Why would you do such a thing. It was funny and I could think of so many sexual jokes to go with her but I will not. Another one was with a waitress who somehow managed to get a fuckin' Junebug in her ear and it started crawling more and more into her ear. What is up ER hospitals you got some fucked up shit happening to you. I also uploaded another Gorillaz music video so if you would like to check that out you are more than welcome. By the way, this goes out to all the niggas in the world: KEEP YOUR HEART 3 STACKS. ha.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Let The Wild Rompus Begin

I watched Where The Wild Things Are again tonight or this morning or whatever, and I forgot how funny and emo that damn movie is. Also maybe false hope here but I called Best Buy and they are going to give me an interview next week. Tip: Chase your dreams. Someone is bound to see your ambition. I have also decided to try my luck at Orchestra music. I have always liked a good horror/action/thriller soundtrack and that is what I intend to make with all this time I have. My grandparents' 50th Anniversary is coming up in June and family is going to be in town, I am excited and sad. I wonder sometimes if Cupid is going to get it right for me sometime. Maybe it is me or maybe it was never meant to be, but you can always make something out of nothing. Oh and by the way, I had a cut and I drank the blood. I forgot how it tasted, the bitterness, the sweet red color. (And that sounded extra fuckin' creepy) All in all it was a good day. It is sad that I look forward to school because the world scares me and because I just love to learn. I am a nerd. I am don't want to be a Jack of all trades, I want to master them all. And this going to bed at wee hours in the morning has to stop too. I wonder if killing zombies in real life is as fun as it is in games. I am pretty sure I can survive Resident Evil and Dead Rising, Left 4 Dead and Dead Space maybe not so much. I mean I can run, and I can throw some bones but shit they are way scary. I need to get in a fight. Bear Grylls taught me some moves that I want to put to use and I just want to fuck a nigga up. Nigga don't mess with me. Shout out to Evan and Jacob for finding jobs. I am happy for you. Apartment warming party anyone?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Lights Fantastic

Went to a hella expensive light fixture store and found this. Guess the cost... almost 4K. I was like WHAT DA FUCK?!? HA but in the mean time I read Evan's blog about friends, and it made me realize how I am with friends. If they are here to stay and they put in effort into the relationship like I do then that bridge will stay, otherwise that baby is going to burn, and not in the Legion kind of way. Maybe some friends just need to be spring cleaned just like rooms. It happens. Swimming was awesome by the way with Iris, Edgar, and Kevin. You know one of the most hated things that I hate are...Fucking Headaches. Sometimes I feel like I should be trying to explode someone's head with a headache this bad. Secret planning was happening at the house, and I have no idea why, or what the shit it was about be alright. Maybe I should become a spy or a spy ninja or a spy ninja movie star. Hell yeah. I pick the latter.