Sunday, July 11, 2010

50% Off

So I have some codes for ZAGG that get you some awesome products with half the price. But that is not all that I am going to post about. My mother actually moved out of her house into a new house. It is a fucked up situation to begin with so here we go...(flashback ripples)

So 4 years ago my mother's friend moved to Washington. She bought a house in Cedar Park 3 months prior to moving. Since she could not sell the house, she decided to let my mom take over payments and live there. Done deal. (flashforward ripples) Now, Mother's friend has taken a new job and that job has some perks attached to it but the only problem is that she won't be able to get these perks with 2 houses under her name. So she needed to find somebody to switch the houses name under. My mother was gladly going to take the house but Mother's friend's brother decided that he would like an extra house. Being a sneaky cunt that he is, swiped from right under her nose was the house. So now he owns the house and has the balls to kick a family out of it. What a dick. But never anger my mom because she is extremely passive aggressive. So by moving out promptly, into a newer,more spacious and awesomer home, she gets to not pay the mortgage on the house and so now before the guy even moves in he has to pay for a month's payment even when he is not living there. Well I guess that is what he gets. And she is closer and in Anderson Mill not fucking Cedar God Dam Park. Happy for her I am. Oh and I believe Karma is not everywhere but can only be in one place at one time. It is something that passes from person to person like a cold. Weird but that is what I think. I the PA thing is not happening and I got some new headphones from Skullcandy that were only 10 bucks when they should have been 30. It was cool. They know how to somewhat treat their customers. I have also been working on MQM2 and I saw these weird awesome movies.

The first in Martyrs which is weird and scary in the beginning but in the middle and last part it just started to go down. The second was Inside. It was so fucking creepy that I was scared and I wanted to just cover my face. It was about a pregnant lady, so BAM, that makes it intense already. Then the lady is pursued by a crazy woman who wants her baby because she lost her's 4 months earlier. Just so much went on that it was just awesome. I know I want MQM2 to be at least half as creepy. I have also been waiting for my damn check that should have been here on last week but whatever. Come Monday I am calling to see where the fuck they be. My little sister is cute. She was singing Lady GaGa and Beyonce. On my YouTube now so go see it. I hope you are ready to get adorable to death. Later.

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