Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What What

So this is the first post I have done as a 'in-a-relationship man', you know what...its counterpart sounds way better. Anyways, I have met somebody. A girl. And she likes me. Is there any more I could ask for? YEAH, A SHIT TON MORE I CAN ASK FOR, but I am a humble man so I will shorten my list to 3 things.

1. waterproof, shockproof, freezeproof camera
2. Mini Cooper Countryman
3. more money so I can buy items 1&2 over and over again.

Oh hey, big whoops for me for finally getting that damn elusive iPhone 4 in white. Next subject, I have been asking these life questions on Facebook lately. I kind of like it. Oh and I need to start working out more. Plus I need more shoes. You know what I realized that I am just saying random things with no connection betwixt them. My English teachers would be furious. But hey, this is my style of writing. If someone can write in all lower case letters then damn it I can write whatever the hell I want.

Kathy Griffin is coming on today. Sadly I am going to miss it. I am at work and so yup. I am totes excited though because I am going to go to Aussie's tonight and play some sand volleyball. I look forward to that every week. Really, like come Monday I am like, is it Wednesday yet? And I also need to get a new tennis racket. While we are on the subject of that I am getting good at tennis for only being a beginner. I mean I am biased but whatever, people can be racist and so I can be biased. Isn't that how the world works. I really wish I had legos. I want to build a dinosaur and the suv from Jurassic Park. I would like to recreate the whole T-Rex vs. SUV scene. And I realized that I keep pushing buttons with my face on my iPhone. Why does this mug have to be so beautiful and yet so disobedient? I found out that one of my non-relative relatives is coming to escuela con migo. I am actually going to meet up with him tomorrow. I like how I have a set week. Monday Tuesday, my house. Wednesday-Saturday, with my gf Erica. And Sunday is back at my house. I could have just put that in the beginning of the sentence but that would take away the suspense of where you think I am on Sunday. I saw you reading it. Palms sweaty, heart racing, waiting, silently, yearning for the answer of my location on Sunday. I saw it in your face holes.

I really should keep on top of this blog. Sand volleyball is great. I think I am doing better at setting. I am excited to see it on the court where I can move faster and actually spike. Damn 8 foot tall nets, shit. I think that is enough ranting and raving and r....r....r....recycling? I don't know. Later. Oh shit. I forgot to tell you I will give you some random pictures soon. And by soon I mean next post. Ok now I am leaving. Later.