Monday, October 11, 2010

Irony and Fate Go Hand-IN-Hand

The title has nothing to do with what I am about to say but I did not know what else to put. Anyways, the other day I was sitting at my computer, after taking a shower, quickly checking my Facebook when Evan walked in. I would first like to say that when I am about to go to sleep I put chonies on and have an undershirt and v neck, that is all. I was lazy to get fully dressed, so I put on the undershirt and half way put on the boxers and just sat at the computer. So boxers down, Evan opens my door and walks in to me sitting dick out typing on the computer with Facebook up. To him it looked like I was going to jack-off, but really it was not that. I was just lazy. The funny thing about it was that I talked to him and he talked back to me as if nothing was out of the ordinary. But kudos to him for taking the movie I rented for the both of us back. I also was taking a shower another day, I take more than one shower a week just so that you know, I was drying off when Jacob opened the door and just stayed there with the door open. I asked what he wanted and nothing. It was weird. This is not to make him sound like a creep, but it was just weird. But whatever, it was something to tell the blog. Anyways, moral of the story is don't count your chickens before they hatch. We also lost our first volleyball match. It was hard on the team. But I mean when I speak about something, I am not just saying it because I like to practice the use of the English language. I expect it to be heard, I expect it to be listened to, and I expect it to be recognized. It only hurts everybody else when one does not listen. I exchanged some messages and I believe we will come back even stronger than ever. We have to have bad to know what is good. I am confused about what I want in life at the moment. I would like a relationship and I have heard that almost always the girl is waiting for the guy to make the first move. I do not like that idea, but I guess I will have to make the exception and go for it. The one problem is that there are a couple of ladies that have caught my eye. Do I make the first move on all of them and hope for at least one? But what happens when more than one says yes? I do not want to become that douchebag that plays girls. That is not the thing I am going for nor will it ever be the thing I am going for. I am just so confused. And what started this thinking process was the season finale of The Hard Times of RJ Berger. I literally did not know what to think. It was a shock to me. So many emotions rushed at me all at once that I sat there with my hands over my mouth. Then I started to cycle through the emotions one by one. It was, I must say, a hot mess. I do like knowing that I can feel though. I am not afraid to show what I feel, and I just need to work on expressing it to others in a way that has no bias. I have been listening to The Backin Up Song like it was my job. It is just a funny song that makes me want to sing it. I feel like I am not doing my best with these posts. I am not adding as much content like I want to. I shall fix that. I am also biting off more than I can chew but I am going to man up and mow this shit down. How are you going to become better at something when you do not challenge yourself? I would like to tell everybody that the Tosh Tour was awesome and funny as fuck. You need to see it. I still have not figured out what I am going to get Jacob for his birthday. I have got Jordan's and that is done (Tosh Tickets) but Jacob is a tough cookie to know. Time to sit down in the thinking chair and think. Think. Thiiiiiiiiiiiink. Because when I use my mind and take a step at a time. I can do anything.......that I want to do. I need to practice spiking. Happy note is that I would like to learn the Around the World dance. Anybody want to flash dance? That shit would be awesome. Time to depart. Later.

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