Thursday, May 27, 2010


A swarm of roaches attacked my friends, Iris, Edgar, Kevin and I while playing Monopoly. I don't know if their intentions were truly hostile but seeing as they sent in their Air Force and Infantry towards us, there was indeed a can of whoop-ass opened once they hit this front. With so many casualties lost on their side. You would think they would give up. But, they didn't. I can feel them conspiring against us at every dark corridor and monochrome room. They believe we will just act nonchalantly about this incident, but in the back of everyone's minds this will radiate. We crushed them, I crushed them in the battle and We will, I will not let them will the war.
I am being discouraged by every place I have applied to. Discouraged is a strong word so I shall actually replace it with neglected. No one has called me back about anything. I have called the job locations asking for times when they are interviewing and a shitty response has been thrusted into my ear a million times: "I don't know when we are conducting interviews, MY boss has not given me a date." I call bullshit right there. I feel like they are not that interested into me. But if they only knew. If they only knew how much this job means to me. If they only knew my work habits and personality. If they only knew everything that can not be summarized onto a 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper. This is angering me more and more everyday. But I will not let this get to me. I will not let this put me in a bad mood. I will not let this keep me from what I need to do in life. I will not let this eat at my soul. I have handled rejection so much over the years. More than what any normal person should experience and this is just another test. But I will not let this become another test. I want it to be an experience. I want it to be an event. I want it to be a memory in my life to which I can say I succeeded. This neglecting has gone on for too long and I will not tolerate it anymore. All I need is a chance. But I can not even get that. I will not live and let chance find me because then I am not really living. Someone said that opportunities only come once. Well FUCK THAT. I will make my own opportunities. I will not be neglected anymore. I will crush these discouragements. I will crush these intolerances. I will crush these roaches and I WILL GET HIRED.

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