Sunday, May 30, 2010


So got some free lunch/dinner from Jorge's complements of Edgar's mom. And I have no idea what they did with their recipe because it tasted a whole lot fuckin' better than it usually does. After that Edgar and I went to the Domain. I saw some shit that I want to get for my Mac and then we went to the other side of the Domain which I did not know existed and I got some shorts from Finish Line, and here is the weird awesome part, this lady who is working the cash register gave me an offer that I could not refuse. (FLASHBACK) I took the shorts off of the hanger so that I could better judge the size of the shorts. I placed the hanger on the rack. I judged the shorts and deemed them fit to purchase. I stood there for a couple of seconds contemplating whether to just leave the hanger or just take it and put the shorts back on so that I can buy the shorts with the hanger. I said "FUCK IT" in my mind and I took the hanger with me but did not put the shorts on them. Then this is how it went from then on:

S: I would like to buy these now
C: Alright, I can get you right here
S: Ok. Oh where do I put-
(I saw off to the corner of the register a cart where there was empty hangers)
S: Oh, nevermind, I will just put it here
C: OK. Thanks. The total is 10.81
S: Alright, here you go.
C: (Whisper voice) Are you looking for a job?
S: Yes actually. Are you hiring?
C: Yeah.
S: Do you have an application or can I-
C: You can just go online and do the application at Finish line dot com. I am looking at the applications on Monday so when you get home you can apply

And Bam! That is how it happened. I basically got offered a job for hanging a hanger. Oh and by the way I am scheduled to PA in July. I got that job also. Fucking why can't I get a job the conventional way? I guess that is how it is going to have to happen my whole life. Literally that is how it has happened all the other times.

I am excited. Wish me luck and I am going to sign off for the night morning thing. Why am I staying up all types of late now. That is going to have to cease.

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