Sunday, August 1, 2010

Damn. Not in a While, Huh, Old Sport

Alright so I am here at Super Cuts and thought it would be the perfect time to go and write an entry. So let us start at last night. While pumping gas some homeless men, a smooth wise crackin' black man and an incoherent white high as a kite man, were talking some kind noise. Until I heard the black man the other that if he didn't shut his mouth that he was going to get his ass beat. Huh? My ears perked up and started listening like it was my damn religion class. Intently they fought with black man words and the mumbles of a white man. I actually saw that these men were not going to fight. He was just giving him a very VERY hard time. It was Tough Love if you had to put a label on it. Got me thinking. Why do men hassle eachother so much. I mean it is fun sometimes but is it really that hard to confess feelings? And it is not just men but everybody. So lesson learned on this random excursion was that you don't have to be act manly with feelings. Feelings are there because they are apart of you. Why waste time trying to hide them. Anyways, that is all that I have for this entry even though it sound like I was going to have more from the way I worded my first sentences. But hey another lesson for you. YOU use English, not English uses you.

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