Sunday, August 29, 2010

It Is That Time Of Year Again

School has started and I already had a project and quiz and goo gobs of reading to do. Da Fuck is up with that? I don't know. Maybe it is because a smart guy decided to take 18 hours. I am going to be drained. I also moved in, ya know, I realized my brain most of the time does not work in sequential order and it confuses people. So if you if you sometimes do not understand then I really don't care. These entries are the ramblings of my brain and they will be however they please. Next topic.
Oh, went to a Round Rock Express game on Tuesday or something like that and got so many coupons to Taco Bueno and other coupons to other places. So random but hey, that is some free food and I am always thankful for that. I am also waiting for a refund check so that I can pay some bills and save some for the future bills. My check from My Generation has still not come in yet and it is pissing me off because this shit was done 5 days shy of a month ago. So fuck a nigga named EMS payroll. Oh and with that refund check, I am going to buy some shoes and possibly a Fleshlight. Sounds reasonable. Oh shit. I forgot about this drunk lady at the RRE game.
So, Evan, Jordan and I were sitting in the grassy knoll by the right fielder. Above us was a side walk and then a pool with some tables and that is where she was. She was sitting there all angel like not really but I just describe that way because she made my night, no lie. Anyways, her way of working was just to yell at the right fielder but by calling them by their number. So RRE RF's number was 25 the opposing Redhawks was 24. RRE was on the field and so she yelled, "Twenty, five. HEY NUMBER TWENTY FIVE. Hey twenty five." He was not looking up because he thought it was a trap. I don't know for sure but that is what I would think if I was in his place. "TWENTY FIVE". No answer. Then 3 outs and the other team is out on the field. Here comes 24. "HEY NUMBER TWENTY FOUR. Twenty FOUR. HEY TWENTY FOUR." He was not as smart and so he looked slightly back. "HEY TWENTY FOUR.....YOU SUCK!" Then he fully turned back and just waved it off with the same reaction that one would do if some one was waving 'hello' to them. A man sitting next to the angel chimed in, " YEAH LOOK UP HERE. YOU SUCK." Then the angel, "TWENTY FOUR. Hey twenty four." The man has learned his lesson and he did not look or even glance back again. Then silence for about 5 mins. "VEINTE CUATRO!" Oh shit that made me laugh so hard. I don't know what was going through her head but it was probably something like this: Let me see, he now is not going to respond to anything I am saying to him in English. OH. Let me see if by me yelling out in Spanish he will not recognize that it is me and he will turn around and I can verbally rape him again. I believe that was her thinking. OOOOOOORRRRRR. It probably was not and it was the beer talking. Either way I was laughing for 2 minutes straight because of that. Thank you random drunk angel. THANK YOU.
I finally got Rosetta Stone for Spanish and Italian and I am so excited. Like so excited I have not even started it. OH YEAH. I have homework to be doing and I need to contact these St. Edward's niggas about the on campus jobs because I applied and I have work study and I need this shit. NO JOKE. If they want me to die then they should go ahead and just shoot me. Did you know that a recurring nightmare I have had is about some random thug or somebody who has a gun and is shooting at me and is never running out of bullets. For some reason, a gun is scarier to me than a knife. I have said more than enough to keep you busy for 2 or 3 minutes so I shall leave you with a sense that I can see what you are doing at all times. I have ESP I think and it is really acting up ever since I got back on campus. Maybe a sign of something to come. I don't know. Maybe I should ask That's So Raven for some guidance. Alright, Later.


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